Braydon Cavalry Legion Military Formation in Jushara | World Anvil
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Braydon Cavalry Legion

Braydon Calvary Legions typically consisted of between 1700-3000 soldiers. The typical breakdown of a calvary legion was 1200-2100 horse mounted soldiers, 400-700 support staff and 100-175 command staff.   A Calvary Legion was typically commanded by a General, and further divided into units called "Ungaul" of 300 riders, each commanded by a Captain. These companies were then subdivided into 10 "Lanceas of 30 riders each, typically commanded by a non-commissioned officer.   A cavalry legion typically had at least two ungauls of light cavalry, one ungaul of heavy cavalry, and one ungaul of mounted infantry. In larger legions it was not uncommon for an ungaul to be outfitted as a "Telumrana", a light mobile artillery unit.
Overall training Level
Assumed Veterancy
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