The Grand Council Organization in Joia | World Anvil
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The Grand Council

Adventures, once the dream of every child have lessened in numbers for decades. While they might have been needed once upon a time, there are only so many dragons to slay or evil kings to overthrow. As the lifestyle diminished so did the popularity and now, generations later, adventures are sometimes seen as more dangerous than the monsters they fight. People capable of near limitless destruction just couldn't be accepted anymore. At least not without some oversight.   This is where the Grand Council, as well as the adventuring guilds, came into play. Founded half a century ago, the Grand Council is an alliance between every nation on Joia, a feat that required something as spectacularly dangerous as adventurers to actually happen. The Council features a member from each nation with an elected lead among them and serves to oversee the numerous adventuring guilds that have sprung up since the founding. The Council quickly realized that they couldn't keep tabs on the adventures themself and so they relegated the task to the guilds with strict guidelines to serve as a framework for the guilds. It is now a requirement that adventures must join a Council-overseen guild, and among these guilds, three, in particular, have stood out as being the most popular. These are known as the Three Brothers and consist of the Eternal Flow, Stalwart Blades, and Coins Worth guild. These each have their own managing style that differs greatly but all comply with the loose framework that the Council has set down.   The Council has suffered a lot of criticism over the years, especially with how particularly rebellious adventures have a tendency of disappearing as well as the incident of the Obsidian Might guild, a former guild made entirely of evil-aligned adventures that collapsed in on itself about two decades ago with most of its members dying in a large fight. If it was outside influence that caused the downfall or simply infighting that went too far, has been a popular matter of debate, but nothing has ever been proven which is exactly enough that the Council doesn't have to fear a rebellion from the more destructive adventures, a matter the Council has avoided as much as possible given the obvious threat that could represent to the people of Joia.


The Council comprises six members, one from each nation, chosen by their respective nations. These are led by the Council Head who has little more power than being the moderator and the public face of the Council.

Public Agenda

Keeping the people of Joia safe from reckless adventurers.


The Council has seen a plethora of members over the course of its existence, with many diplomats and administrative workers being replaced by their nations as the governments have changed with time. There is one member who has been there since its inception, Tarron Fenfir, as much for him being a brilliant bureaucrat as well as the Council in large parts being his conception. He has also largely served as the Council Head with a few other members occasionally taking the title temporarily. The biggest stirrup was when the Republic of Slek was founded and a sixth member was forced to be added to the mixture.

For a Better World

Founding Date
Alliance, Generic
Alternative Names
The Council
Notable Members

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