The Coins Worth Guild Organization in Joia | World Anvil
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The Coins Worth Guild

The youngest of the Three brothers, it has quickly risen to become the most popular of the guilds, by no small chance of being the single most profitable of the guilds for adventurers and the guild alike. This is mainly because of the fact that, unlike the other two brothers, the Coins Worth actively seeks out costumers and patrons for their adventurers, as well as advertise them. This includes things such as selling licensed products of their adventurers such as action figures and posters. These all serve to gain profit as well as heightening the public image of the adventurers. They effectively act as the adventures agent and pr team which does mean that they take a small amount of all profit their adventures makes, usually 15%.   There are those that argue that the adventurers from Coins Worth aren't really true adventurers but in reality fall into one of two categories. They are either mercenaries or bodyguards hired by wealthy individuals, though very rarely armies as that can lead to a catastrophic armsrace for who can buy the most powerful parties, a scenario which no one wants. The other group are more celebrity than adventurer. These will do low risk assignments to gain the best public image possible so that the guild can sell their image on merchandize.   There are of course actual adventures within the guild, the most famous being the Golden who are arguably the adventuring of Joia at the moment after defeating of Jesmenda the Tyrant two decades ago.


While there is also a complex system behind the scenes between the administrators, agents, and others, the hierarchy for adventures is rather simple. There are a total of four ranks, starting with copper, the lowest rank for newcomers and those who have no interest in doing anything particularly spectacular. These are rather cheap and deal mostly in local jobs.    The rank of silver is for those who have done a few impressive assignments or have shown special potential. This rank is given their own agent unlike before when they shared an agent with many other adventurers. They will likely still work within the same nation at this rank.    The gold rank is when adventurers begin to gain more attention from the guild itself. This entails such things as a style specialist as well as beginning to produce merchandise of the adventurers. At this point, they will likely have gone international if they haven't already.   The platinum rank is given to those rare few adventurers who have proved themself truly legendary. Adventurers of this rank should expect incredible luxuries such as the ability to pick any assignment, even if it has already been taken as well as working for the elites of Joia itself and, of course, free housing, paid for by the guild.


The culture of Coins Worth is one of polity professionalism and intense one-upmanship. Everyone tries to act as pleasantly as possible while also distinguishing themselves so that they can be picked up for a higher position within the guild.

Public Agenda

Frankly, earning profit.


The guild's history, and especially its start, is one of the most legendary parts of it. Its founder is an ancient copper dragon who most often takes the form of a dwarf named Lotgrot Orebane. It is uncertain if he takes up other names when in other forms, but given how he is almost always seen in his dwarven form that might be irrelevant. The fact that he is a dragon is well known, though the reason why he started the guild is not. Most assume it's for power, but the truth is that he simply treasures conversation with interesting people as he will tell people should they actually ask him. This is why he is always flanked by his three fey secretaries, they are all great company.   It has therefore been the goal for the guild as a whole, and Lotgrot in specific, to search out the most interesting new recruits to add to their hallowed ranks.

Know Your Worth

Founding Date
Guild, Adventuring
Alternative Names
The Coin, the Youngest Brother
Mercenaries, Bought
Leader Title
Parent Organization
Notable Members

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