The Eternal Flow Organization in Joia | World Anvil
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The Eternal Flow

It is said that the Eternal Flow was founded the moment the Council declared the need for guilds for the sole purpose of keeping the adventurers lifestyle the exact same as it has always been. The Eternal Flow isn't the most popular of guilds, mostly given that it is the least secure monetarely, with mostly adventurers who have been at it since before the Council or those who want to experience those times joining it.   First of the Three Brothers, the Eternal Flow have little in the sense of true overview of their members. Reporting one's activities are of course still necessary, but it is rare for an adventurer to see a member of the management if they aren’t searching them out. This is perhaps best reflected in how assignments are given. Unlike the other guilds, members of the Eternal Flow are expected to pick assignments for themselves, usually found at one of the guilds' many outposts. It is a first come first serve system where any civilian can post jobs as well as payment. Adventures are also expected to claim the payment themselves, though the guild will step in should the members call for them. Members are of course also allowed to take on assignments elsewhere as long as these are reported to the guild with proper documentation and payment.   This laissez-faire attitude is also shown in the guildmaster. The young half-elven sorcerer Elshera Adnelis, though powerful in her own right, is fairly new to the job and is seen tinkering with her own experiments as often as she is seen running the guild in truth. Not that is actually needed all that often, serving more as a figurehead for the organization than anything else.


There is barely any structure to the Eternal Flow, with there being only a few managers at each location on Joia, and all of these answering and reporting to the central organization who are essentially glorified accountants, making sure that people are getting paid and paying with the rare enforcement of regulations.


Given how rarely adventurers within Eternal Flow meet on a large scale, the only true culture within the guild is that of trying to relive the glory days of adventuring.

Public Agenda

Keeping the old spirit of adventuring alive.


Started by the famous adventurer Aust Adnelis for the sole purpose of skirting around the rules of the Council, the Eternal Flow has been somewhat contentious since its inception. While they insist that they are keeping track and regulating their individual adventurers, this is only mostly true when they are within view of everyone, the truth is that most of their adventurers are free to do as they want as long as no one is getting hurt too much. Should this rule be broken, it is far more common for an adventurer of the Stalwart Blades to deal with them than Eternal Flow actually punishing them themself. There are also quite a few adventures from the Flow who mysteriously disappear or die on missions they were not ready for as there isn't anyone there to stop them.   Despite this, the Eternal Flow has expertly been able to avoid any and all punishments from the Council, some suspect using the gold and artifacts their adventures have gathered from ancient tombs and the like.

What Isn't Broken

Founding Date
Guild, Adventuring
Alternative Names
The Flow, The Oldest Brother
Old Schoolers
Leader Title
Parent Organization
Notable Members

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