The Mecojz Species in Johorne | World Anvil

The Mecojz

The Mecojz is a quadrupedal, herbivorous, and horned hoofed animal native to Ethernia. Its historical areas of concentration are in the plains of Legan and throughout the Kolkal, the latter area of which they were integral to the lifestyle of the inhabitant who were nomads and relied on them for warfare and food.   Even outside of the Kolkal they were vital for Ethernian warfare, seeing extensive adoption by the Seduni kingdom under Isora Mezezi and later her descendants. They were instrumental in countering the Mecojz rides of the Kolkal and in defeating the largely infantry-based armies of the Kryti region in the west, as well as necessary to defeat the horse cavalry of the Atelians invaders in the 1100's.   In the modern day they do not find much use in warfare, although their status as animals of war is still celebrated by their featuring in parades and historical celebrations. In less ritualistic roles, they have found use as work animals, as they had in times past, and serve recreational uses for riding and sports.

Basic Information


The Mecojz has four hoofed legs, muscular enough to support themselves with a rider on top. Their overall size is shorter and more lithe than a horse, although not by much, and their backs are strong enough to support a heavily armored rider as well as heavy armor on the Mecojz as well. Among the several sub-species of Mecojz their bone are varied from thicker, in the mountainous variety, to thinner, in the plains variants. Uniformly, though, all Mecojz variants have two long horns that go up from their head.

Biological Traits

Mecojz generally live to an average of twenty years naturally. They grow to at their tallest about 5 feet at the withers, and weigh between 500 to 800 pounds.

Ecology and Habitats

There are three main habitats for the Mecojz: the plains, where they most dominate, the hills, and the forests.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Mecojz primarily eat grasses, although the forest and hill variety have shown a disposition for other plants such as leaves or pines.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Mecojz tend to have great senses of smell, sight, and hearing, evolving primarily as a plains grazer. Those that are indigenous to the forests and hills tend to have better senses of hearing and smell than they do sight.
Seduni, Legani, Kolkal, Hijuandag
20 years
Average Height
5 feet
Average Weight
500 - 800 lbs
Average Length
6.5 - 7 ft


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