Glossary in Jiwenia | World Anvil


A glossary of words that may appear and their meaning.  


  • auhan (awn): a term of endearment specifically used between family members.


  • biichy kii (bi-che ki): true or pure mother. Used to describe one’s birth mother.


  • chikrin (ch-kren): a magical collar used on those who have magical abilities that keeps them from using said magic. Commonly used on slaves to keep them from performing magic at ill times.


  • daeth (day-eth): a Uqanan term used to describe their settlements.
  • daviani (da-vee-ahni): made from a metallic silver flower and mixed with dye. This is used to mark the skin and yields a silver metallic appearing tattoo.
  • d'uun (d-uhn): aunt.


  • elytzi (e-lit-z): three spirits neither deities nor of the High Gods. En controls life and death, Fate controls path and decisions made through life, and Chronos controls the passage of time and history.


  • fulteo (fol-tay-o): a wooden instrument hailing from the percussion family. It is a small circular object with different sized metallic rings. Each one holds a different sound and when hit, depending on pressure used, will emit a different sound.


  • igéati (ehj-ah-tee): a military term for generals amongst Phaizarn. Though this phrase has also been heard amongst Sairs.


  • keamo (kah-mo): term of endearment usually used amongst Phaizarn, even more specific those of fire like the phoenix and dragon. Means “the flame of my heart.” Has also been known to mean “the blaze of my soul.”
  • kě'ěb (ay-e-b): Jawsīc language. The gender term used to describe those without a gender. Directly translates into 'gender none'.
  • kii (ki): mother.


  • ludá (luda): a unique kind of spell magic gifted to certain individuals, bloodlines, and/or tribes. Usually gifted or cursed by a deity.
  • luev sash (lu-e-ev): an accessory that resembles both a sash and a cavalier cape. The sash wraps around the entire body with extended cloth that hangs off the shoulder.


  • nashi (naw-shi): a set of facial markings only seen on the Ecrid people, or those with enough Ecrid blood running through them. These medium sized specks take on the same color as the individual’s eye and grow darker or lighter based off of one’s current emotion.


  • phasing1: the ability and process of accessing the elysian plane


  • ruho (rue-ho): worldwide currency of Jiwenia. There are four different kinds of ruho (also in the order of least expensive to expensive): copper, silver, gold, and opal. An individual will only specify the number of ruho if it is silver, gold, or opal. Otherwise, they will simply say the cost followed by ruho, i.e. four ruho.


  • skivck (sky-vik): a type of cloak that stops at the upper chest and back. There is a hood and some of them have sleeves, one sleeve, or no sleeves.
  • swanik (swa-nick): a thick type of hooded shawl that stops at the chest in the front, but drapes to the lower back in the back.


  • wot: father
1 Phasing is also now used to describe someone who is not present in the conversation, ‘he’s phasing at the moment, give him a second.’


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