Eiss Creatures Species in Ji-Wei | World Anvil
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Eiss Creatures

They always existed, the stories say. Just...a long time ago they were like a wolf or elk. Sure if you looked at them wrong they'd kill you. Invade their territory, they'd kill you. If they're hungry, they'd kill you. But they didn't slaughter entire villages. They didn't kill to kill. That didn't happen until Vitr hated us.

Basic Information


Eiss creatures are seemingly shaped at random. A chunk of ice sprouts legs and walks off. Some have eyes. Some have a dozen legs, while others have four. They will never have arms. Often times the creatures will roughly represent animals. Segmented bodies look like worms, while others can appear to be majestic steeds.

Genetics and Reproduction

There is no reproduction. The creatures simply sprout into being.

Ecology and Habitats

They must remain in cold climes. While the melting point is high, warm weather makes them sluggish and easy to fall. In even a temperate summer, the beasts go into a catatonic state.

Dietary Needs and Habits

There are no dietary needs. They desire to eat living things, whether plant or animal, but it is not a need. They have been known to eat ice and Eiss to replenish injuries. The body regrows, though not in the same pattern.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Average Intelligence

Eiss creatures lack basic intellect. They are the fury of Vitr and act only to devour life on Hurskfjell. Even self preservation is beyond understanding.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Eiss creatures do not sense in the way most do. Magic is the primary receptor, giving the ability to feel through snow storms. This diminishes in calmer weather, though they can still see. Those with eyes and antenna will use those sensory organs similar to how they are used in other species.
Genetic Descendants

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