Eiss Material in Ji-Wei | World Anvil
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The first time an eiss monster attacked us, we were horrified. Our axes clinked off it, as if we were hitting stone. When one of the boys touched it, his hand turned black nearly immediately.   Then Olfn finally got his blade into a soft spot, between the armor. See, they need flex points, and that's the key. Anyway, Olfn hit that flex point, pried off the armor, and if we didn't all pile in there and hack as hard as we could. Still lost two more, but that's fine. Took the bastard down.   Not only that, but then we found the plates on its body didn't melt. They were durable and tough, and sure enough we found out how to use them. Now we have armor and axes made of the stuff, and by Vitr if it doesn't cut right through its own brethren. Best part is, once we knew what to look for, was easy to kill the beasts and find natural eiss deposits.


Material Characteristics

Appears like ice, but a dark blue with a slight shimmer. It can have black veins through it.

Physical & Chemical Properties

It requires approximately 2500 degrees Fahrenheit of heat to start melting. Freezing to the touch and can cause frost bite in moments. It is dry due to the cold, and can cause items to stick to it.


Commonly used in weapons, charms, and armor. It can be used as decoration, but in general it is too rare and dangerous to leave out for house guests and rambunctious kids to have access to it.

Geology & Geography

Eiss is exceedingly rarely found in the Mid Climes. It is too warm for the creatures to travel down there, and there are no natural deposits.   It is slightly more common in the High Climes, especially during periods of isolation, when warriors are not going out to cull Eiss Creatures.

Origin & Source

It is found in two sources. Some glaciers, especially formed by the Ice Veil, have natural deposits. Otherwise, it can be harvested from the corpse of Eiss Creatures.
Deep blue, with black veins
Melting / Freezing Point
2500 degree Fahrenheit melt point, cannot refreeze after it melts.

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