Servants of Hunger/Horror/Chaos/Profit Organization in Jeslore | World Anvil
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Servants of Hunger/Horror/Chaos/Profit

"Avoid this group of idiots at all costs. They have to be the stupidest, most dangerous group I've come across on my mission. They seem to believe that because their planet fell to the bastion, that the end of sentient life is inevitable and resisting it is futile. With this belief in mind, the servants sabotage any effort of other factions to preserve their own planet. It's divided in 4 sects, one of which is dedicated to entity 0 because of course he managed to worm his way into this." - Melody Kingmaker's galactic scouting report on the servants.  

The Servants of Hunger/Horror/Chaos/Profit

A giant super cult of militant activists that are colloquially referred to as just the servants. The Servants hold the belief that any attempt at warding off the apocalypse is ultimately futile and that holding on to hope that it can be fought off is not only harmful to one's self but the people around them. So the servants have united under the belief that the only humane thing to do is expedite the apocalypse by sabotaging efforts at warding it off and strengthening the existential threats that the Cykx dominion and its allies face. They are almost universally seen as stupid, and most factions hold nothing but ire for them.   The servants are formed from the ashes of their planet, which got taken over by some eldritch entity. The ones that survived the invasion formed the cult, and neighbouring planets facing similar problems with the bastion (the effect of a planet with depleted magicka levels, which helps contain anomalous activity) and the world eaters, a species of insectoid hive mind that pose a real threat to all of sentient life. While none of these threats have become any less hostile to the servants, nor do they get preferential treatment, the servants help them precisely because they want it all to end. The servants themselves equally a force not to be trifled with as they carry heavy gyrojet machine guns and wear high quality power armour regardless of their status or sect within the cult.   As to which apocalypse is the one worthy of bringing it all to an end, the cult is divided on that. The servants have split up into 4 distinct sects, each dedicated to a certain apocalypse they wish to bring about.   The cult and all of its sects generally reside in large spaceships in relative safety from the existential threats they assist. They use methods similar to DROP troopers to insert fighters into a planet and use teleportation anchors to return to their ships. The ships use a cloaking device to avoid confrontation with the naval forces of other factions, but in the event they are found out they are well capable of defending themselves, even if ultimately their vessels are nothing special. If they do have to reside on the planets they attack, they generally take shelter in abandoned churches, bunkers, or military bases.  

The Servants of Horror

The oldest sect in the cult, which is dedicated to the great old ones, otherwise referred to as Eldritch Gods. The servants of horror had their world taken over by Mukor, a fairly unassuming great old one that lives to cause problems. The servants of horror themselves are divided on which eldritch god in particular is the best candidate for ending it all. Though, infighting within the sect of horror is not as intense as infighting between the 4 different sects. Being the oldest sect, the servants of horror are also the largest and are generally considered the ones at the helm, even if that only means they get to decide who to harass next.

The Servants of Hunger

The servants of hunger have dedicated themselves to the world eaters, particularly by fighting the Cykx dominion directly alongside the world-eaters. Given that they frequently have to engage the world eaters, so they can extract from their operation after fighting the Cykx, the servants of hunger are by far the toughest sect of the entire cult. They don't always fight alongside the world eaters, as the servants of hunger live for the thrill of battle and generally enjoy acting as the most aggressive paramilitary group within the cult.   

The Servants of Chaos

The servants of chaos are the ones dedicated to the bastion, the result of a planets depleted magicka levels. Because the acceleration of the bastion involves using up a planet's magicka levels, the servants of chaos are the only sect in the whole cult to not solely rely on brute force to help the process speed up, and as a result they are also the only sect to not wear power armour all the time. They are the only ones in the cult practising any level of political infiltration with the goal of letting a planet invite the apocalypse in themselves. They use political influence and start groups of grifters that convince governments not to take action to curb magic use and keep magic usage levels the same if not raise them. Due to the abstraction of the bastion, the servants of chaos are the smallest sect  

Servants of Profit

Considering that the only constant in the troubles of Jeslore's bloody history is that Zartor and his office probably had something to do with it, it came as a surprise to absolutely no one that the servants have a sect dedicated to him. The sect of profit is a bit of a controversial one, as it is not necessarily accelerationist, not as much as the other 3 with sects at least. The world eaters, eldritch gods, and bastion, if they have a motive at all, they are usually very basic and primal needs. The world eaters need to eat to avoid starvation, the bastion is just a natural response to a lack of magicka in the system of an anomalous planet. Eldritch gods require sacrifices and worship to sustain themselves and their power. With all of these, the destruction of a planet is more of an unfortunate byproduct of their methods, but that is precisely what the servants are after.   Meanwhile, Zartor actively makes an effort to preserve the planets he takes over. What he wants is to tap into the planet's anomalous energy, which is regenerative. Zartor will never destroy a planet, because he wants them intact, but he also couldn't care less about the people living on it. Yet the servants of profit follow him anyway, mostly because he is just incredibly powerful and can take down other existential threats with enough support. The servants of profit don't believe in apocalypse, they just believe in Zartor and that he has a plan.

Hope is cruelty

Religious, Cult
Political Ideology:
Apocalyptic accelerationism   Alignment:
Chaotic evil   Power Type:
Military/Infiltration   Military Expertise:
Armoured infantry assaults


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