First Responder Brigade Military Formation in Jeslore | World Anvil
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First Responder Brigade

"Becker here, on the scene. Backalley snake gang members attempted an armed robbery just a few minutes ago. Equipped with counterfeit military equipment they took hostages and help up the bank for hours, it would have been a bloodbath if it weren't for the newly created First Responder Brigade, peacekeeper soldiers who are trained to deal with these situations. Armed and armored they went up against the back alley snakes and took them out. Arrests have been made and hostages were freed, but we could not get a hold of one of their soldiers. Back over to you, Carol." - Badger news reporting on the first deployment of the First Responder Brigade



Responder brigades vary wildly in size. Sometimes they're deployed in teams of 5 but other times they're deployed in crews of 20 units. They always have one shield unit along and not uncommonly that is the team captain. Regardless of how many soldiers are present, they always move in groups no larger than 7 fighters.


While the average soldier is equipped with medium to heavy armor, snipers are equipped with light armor. It heavily depends on what they are expected to do. There is almost always a shield present on the scene. There are medics too but due to the intensity and short span of their missions, medics are usually instructed to simply drag injured soldiers to safety for treatment.


The average responder prefers close quarter weaponry with heavy armor and a flashlight attachment. Shotguns and submachine guns are super popular among responders but not uncommonly they also wield assault rifles or sureshot weaponry. Responders, unlike Peacemaker soldiers, are expected to use crowd control over lethal force and are encouraged to arrest criminals instead of killing them. Instead of regular grenades, they are equipped with flashbangs. Most combat happens in confined spaces and a report shows that roughly 30% of all eliminations were made with handguns.   However, snipers are their friends in helping out with difficult standoff situations and calling out traps and hostile areas as well as preventing an escape. Snipers are usually deployed on nearby buildings and are in a direct radio voice channel with the team on the ground.


The vehicles of responders do not go beyond APCs or helicopters meant to bring them to the scene.


The command chain of responders is very short, typically they only refer to a field strategist or the team captain. Their missions tend to last only 30-40 minutes.


Responders like to go in fast and hard, catching their enemies off guard and overpowering them that way. Using heavy armor and shields they can advance through hallways and take considerable amounts of damage and with swift reaction times strike back and kill them. Using crowd control with flashbangs they can stun hostage takers and take them out quickly. They're also known to split up and corner their enemies.   Using sniper support, they can quickly identify particularly difficult situations and adapt to them. Their versatile equipment allows them to attack from any angle, from descending down from a building and breaking through the glass to performing a flashbang rush. Responders never let anyone escape, snipers are specifically given orders to shoot the tires of escape vehicles and leave them stranded.   Finally, responders delight in using smoke and mirrors to conceal their attacks. Vapor grenades are very popular in letting the units enter defended territory unseen. They will also inconvenience their enemies as much as possible, killing the lights of the building to leave them in the dark and disrupting signals to break up their communication.


Responders are very well trained soldiers. Like any large organization has its pride and joy division (Peacemakers have the scavengers and the council commando has the extraction rangers), the first responder brigade is the darling division of the peacemakers. They are trained like elite soldiers and treated like veterans after their first mission. Their training involves proper use of crowd control, handling of short-range weapons, stress training, endurance training and much more. Hacking, electric grid understanding and bomb disposal are expected as well.


Logistical Support

Responders operate inside confined spaces and buildings. They are brought in by APC and helicopter depending on the required entry.


A lot of money goes into the first responder brigade, mainly their salary but also their equipment and maintenance. As highly respected as they are, responders don't get paid as much as scavengers or hazard rangers.


Like other divisions, responders graduate from their training and are invited to a large reception to celebrate. There are high requirements to be allowed in and usually, soldiers are hand-picked.
Special Forces
Overall training Level
Assumed Veterancy

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