Borea City Settlement in Jennara | World Anvil

Borea City

Borea City houses the largest dwarven population in Jennara.Dwarves from the mainland country of Bronfold were first led by a divination rods that led them to the presence of gold. They first encountered Jennara's eastern shores and one of their three flagship ships led by Captain Balond Borea was  ground up by the coral reefs typically now referred to as the teeth of Portsmouth Instead of venturing through the bay and river system they continued round the continent and eventually did discover gold on mountains in the West End connecting to a river system that headed eastward.   Borea City grew around a system of mines in the mountains. When later immigrants came and were able to navigate the Eastern provinces Dwarves were better able to circulate this wealth. It was only later that the Dwarves of Borea would discover the greater metallic resources of Jennara such as Arium and Paluntos whereby citizens of Borea extended their mining efforts and developed the D.E.V Department of External Veins and it's subsidiary organization the Coral Quarry


The population is largely dwarves and most of the cities are carved out of mountains. Borea also boasts some gnome population. Certainly there are members of every race here but they are in a very large minority compared to the dwarves. The city is built for those small and wide of stature.


The government is ruled over in part by the Golden Aorta and a dwarven royal from the mainland of Banoras.


The backside of Arkheart mountain is open to the Ocean of what is by in large unexplored territory. If a fleet carrying an were to sail round Jennara news would be heard far prior to it's arrival. To attack from the East would be to navigate through a mountain pass. This pass patrolled through a system of tunnels. Upon facing the towering city would face a challenge indeed. Multi levels of of missile fire and boiling oil able to pour down the mountain side. A lava river from Vulcor has been extended through the tunnel system and is used in defense as well as in the forges of Borea City.    Dwarves are able to retreat and regroup. The Dwarven city of Borea also boasts the largest population of any colony yet in Jennara.

Industry & Trade

Tunnel systems lead to the river system which may channel dwarven metals, and crafts through the mountain.


Borea City started as a mining settlement although has certainly grown. The underground lava aqueducts diverted from Vulcor make forging of larger metal items as of yet  unseen by the world at large. The ability to forge metal in massive works has also considerably helped the defenses of Borea.    Water is channeled into the series from aqueducts as well and the sewers run water into the lava systems giving the city the smell of burning excrement that also helps power some of the recent developments in steam machinery.

Guilds and Factions

The primary and founding company in Borea is the The Golden Aorta and it's subsidiary organization the D.E.V Department of External Veins

Natural Resources

While gold may have been the resource that formed the city of Borea in the lower mountains there are plenty of fields of grass in which mountain goats feed upon the primary source of meat. Grain also grows here nearby mountain streams which of course is useful for the brewing of ale.
Alternative Name(s)
Large city
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Owning Organization
Characters in Location