Wermar Ontag Character in Jay's Pangaea | World Anvil

Wermar Ontag

Wermar is an the mayor of Mildor and the owner of Wermar's Potions and Enchantments shop. He was recently elected a few months ago, ousting incumbent Mayor Haben Swellspeak from office. Wermar has been a citizen of Mildor longer than most of its current inhabitants have been alive, as tends to be the case with elves. As such a longstanding member of the community, the townsfolk of Mildor hold the potion maker in high regards. Though few in town would've guessed the soft-spoken elf who rarely left his shop would eventually run and gain political office, Wermar has so far demonstrated himself to be fairly competent in the roll, and demonstrating more charisma than first assumed.
  There are quite a few adventurer's who knew Wermar before he gained mayoral office. For the shopkeeper was one of the first Mildor inhabitants to reach out to Jaytown to provide skilled adventurers to investigate a series of mysterious thefts going on about town. For a period of time after, the potion maker was known for making quite a few requests of adventurers ranging from helping with delivering shipments from the great snowstorm among other tasks. There are some rumors that Jaytown adventurers had something to do with the uncovering of former mayor Swellspeak's embezzlement and drug addiction, and some suspect it was Wermar who was working with these adventurers. Though much of this is speculation.

Basic Info

Race: High Elf
Profession: Mayor, Potion-maker, Wizard
Age: Roughly 300 years
Location: Mildor
Current Location


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