{8,5} Treyphonia Geographic Location in Jay's Pangaea | World Anvil

{8,5} Treyphonia


The coastline of the Bay of Dragons is dominated by large cliffs that lead into jagged hills.

Quest Summary

  • A Safe Place: Shanairra and Treyphon work with Kappa Gamma Beta to explore coastline north of Castle Vormir. After completing an aerial survey they returned to Jaytown for future planning
  • The Bay of Dragons: Shanairra and Treyphon recruited others to explore the bay for more threats. In addition to the usual threats you would find in the depths such as sharks and kraken, the bay is home to a number of dragons. They met with Uson and her brood of wrymlings and were ensured that as long as the no one attacked the dragons or tried to approach the city of Yrns Morgath they would not be harmed.
  • What's Down There: The party explored the cliffside tunnels. They encountered a number of powerful undead before retreating to the surface to regroup for a deeper exploration. what lies beneath
  • What's Down There 2: Trey and Shanarria return to the tunnels. They banish an element and defeat a few more undead barely escaping with their lives. They systematical clear out the tunnela over the coming months and find an exposed leyline, a tunnel to the surface and hints that there might be something more.
  • Almost there: After completing the building of the wizard tower and clearing all accessible parts of the tunnel, the party saw some smoke to the north. Investigating it they found a cult to the dragon Darkmoon organized. After pretending to join the cult the party slayed some of the cultists and rescued the unconsious Treyphon who had been kidnapped from his tower. Walid recieved a request from Aban to visit her.
  • Forbidden Love: Returning to Castle Vormir to check on a comatose Treyphon, Lancelot and I.T. finds Shianarra watching over him as he regains consiousness. In no shape to adventure, the party instead meets with Aban who had sent Lancelot a note asking for a meeting previously. Aban tells the party about a Darkmoon and the party begins planning how to remove him.
  • Darkmoon's removal: The party returned to the early settlement and reclaimed Treyphon's tower and began the process of taunting Darkmoon
Environment: Hills, Coastal
Coast / Shore
Included Locations
Difficulty: Challenging (8/8)
Discovered by: Panther(DM), Treyphon and Shianarra
DM Location: Yce


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