{8,3} Whiskey Kick DM Geographic Location in Jay's Pangaea | World Anvil

{8,3} Whiskey Kick DM

Hex Summary

Many centuries ago, there was Hadri Kindom that lived in these lands. The civilization was magically advanced for its time, allowing them to master air travel. This has changed when the Red Mist had broken out from one of the laboratories. Having lost control over it, the mist spread out like a plague. The land became corrupted, leading to crop failures and death to whoever stood on the ground long-term.   Masters of magic were mobilized to devise a way to get rid of Red Mist and its corruption. Unfortunately, by the time a cure was found, the corruption has consumed majority of the empire an they didn't have enough resources to repel it in time. Facing overpopulation crisis in cities not yet affected, the governement made a last ditch effort to migrate away from Material Plane. As it was an unpopular decision, protests erupted across the land. Roughly thirty percent made through the evacuation, while the rest had died of starvation. Years later, there were prospecting expeditions looking for viability of the land. None of them had returned back, and the crew went missing.   The adventurers, with assistance of a long dormant Hadri sentinel Salama Nul, have unearthed a flagship, and flown through portal to another plane. There, they found bustling cities built on the floating islands, and an admiral who lived long enough to remember what happened.
Environment: Forest, Plains
Included Locations
Characters in Location
Difficulty: Challenging Status: Explored Uncovered By: Chipset (DM), Eldain , Thaddeus Ashberry, ACE, Abyss Dragneel , DM location: Chipset


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