Vagner Ravenshield Character in Jånthis | World Anvil

Vagner Ravenshield

Commander Vagner Ravenshield

Vagner is the commander of the Temple Guard at The Temple of Erathis in Saltmarsh. A that position, as a devout follower of Erathis, he takes incredibly seriously.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Seperated from his family at a young age, when their caravan was ambushed by frost giants as they arrived into Ambervale through Auril’s Teeth. Vagner along with several other passengers and caravan guards was left for dead as the caravan fled into the valley.   Vagner was a wandering barbarian adventurer in his youth, he made a natural fit alongside Harry Blackstone, bringing sheer rage and brawn to the fight.   When they settled in Saltmarsh, at Harry's urging he took reading lessons at The Temple of Erathis, and fell headlong into the Erathian Worship, eventually taking oaths as a Paladin in their order.
Current Location
Year of Birth
1447 PE 44 Years old
He / Him / His
A steely grey, unfocused in combat
Grey, swept back
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization

Character Portrait image: 2B6BF032-BB24-41CC-B038-1FD9ADBA48A4 by ArtBreeder


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