The Hunter’s House Building / Landmark in Jånthis | World Anvil

The Hunter’s House

In a market district, surrounded by crowded streets and noisy taverns. Its neighbors include the stately hall of the Harpooner’s Fellowship and the fine home of a male halfling named Fastolm Baggee. The inn is a two-storey stone-walled building, with a gray tile roof. A collection of tankards from many lands sits upon a shelf. Accomodations consist of a mezzanine with several wooden cots.

Special Properties

Current Menu:
  • Boiled Fish and Dried Lentils, Tankard of Ale (9 cp)
  • Boiled Crab and Dried Mushrooms, Tankard of Stout (7 cp)
  • Pottage, Mug of Beer (2 cp)
  • Seaweed Stew, Mug of Bitter (4 cp)
  • Buckwheat Porridge, Mug of Stout (4 cp)
Parent Location


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