The Harper League Organization in Jade | World Anvil
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The Harper League

An organization that isn't as old as some might think, The Harper League remains as one of the longest lasting peacekeeping organizations in existence. They are made of an extensive spy network that seeks to secure knowledge and relics that would otherwise prove to be dangerous if fallen into the wrong hands. They actively seek out all kinds of threats to Jade and strive to defeat the enemy before the enemy has the opportunity to come to light. The Harper League is famous for fighting shadow wars and keeping a low profile about it. They were originally founded by one of the Wardens of Teratha, James Davneiros, after one of Jade's wars with the Drow. Very soon after The Harper League was granted its own autonomy, which raised many ethical questions as the Harpers became their own "Judge, Jury, and Executioners." They report to no one but themselves, and act on whats best for the survival of Jade. Their mottos are nearly identical to the Wardens, only the Harpers don't operate in the public eye.


The Harper League is divided up into remote cells, made up of agents. Their organization crosses all borders, giving them a global intelligence network. Each Cell is made up of a group of Agents, known to outsiders as "Contacts," who report to an officer referred to as a "Harpy" (usually female, in tradition to the make up of the first generation of Harpers). The Harpies report directly to the First and Second Harpers, who stay as anonymous as possible. The Second Harper is only Harper to take a more public role, which includes diplomacy, public relations, and other public appearances. The Second Harper is the only one of the Hierarchy, that is allowed to public give their name if they need to, but The First never reveals their identity. All members can be identified though by a magical amulet, that has been blessed by the First Harper in a matter of the First's choosing.


On an individual level, Harper agents are trained to act alone and depend on their own resources. When they get into scrapes, they don’t count on their fellow Harpers to rescue them. Nevertheless, Harpers are dedicated to helping one another in times of need, and friendships between Harpers are nigh unbreakable. Masterful spies and infiltrators, they use various guises and secret identities to form relationships, cultivate their information networks, and manipulate others into doing what needs to be done. Although most Harpers prefer to operate in the shadows, there are exceptions. Most see themselves as Vigilantes and heroes that do the darker work that the world of Jade needs doing to protect it from threats. While these jobs are always done with good intent and after the leadership weighs all alternatives, these missions include: Assassination, Thievery, Social Manipulation, Infiltration, Spying, and other dark endeavors.

Public Agenda

The Harper League operates on three public goals:
  1. One can never have too much information.
  2. Too much power leads to corruption.
  3. No one should be powerless.
To gather information throughout Jade, discern the political dynamics within each region or realm, and promote fairness and equality by covert means. Act openly as a last resort. Thwart tyrants and any leader, government, or group that grows too powerful, and aid the weak, the poor, and the oppressed.


The Harper League often relies on the personal assets of its members. The most valuable resource they have is knowledge though. Their ability to obtain knowledge and wealth through contacts gives them some level of access to everything in Jade. The Harpers were also privy to the resources provided by the Wardens of Jade, before they were disbanded.


The Harper League was originally created to be an intelligence resource for the Wardens. Inspired the Drow Empire's Obsidian Order, James Davneiros saw the need for the Wardens to have a faster response time to threats. As public figures, The Wardens weren't able to get access to information on what goes on in the shadows. Throughout history, the wardens were only able to destroy threats after they made a public appearence, usually leaving a wake of destruction when they do. James recruited the help of a mysterious mage, whose name has been wiped from all of history to lead this task force. During Penelope's time as Warden of Teratha, The Council of Kings ordered the Wardens to disband all "military forces" as an act to keep the Wardens in check. This left many organizations, including the Aegis Dawn, The Heartseeker Knights, The Harper League, and the Emerald Enclave, to be given full autonomy under new leadership. The Harper League now served for more than just intelligence. They became a shadow league of "wannabe wardens" as some described it. Their strongest leader to date has been Jane Taggert-Davneiros, who was the wife the warden Jonathan Davneiros.

[In Elvish] "In Shadows, to protect the Light"

Information Network
Alternative Names
The Harpers, Harpies (Female Officers), "Those who Harp"
Training Level
Harper, Harper-Scout
Leader Title


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