Ytma Geographic Location in Ithica | World Anvil


Ytma is one of Ithica's many "Giant" continents, so named as they are populated primarily by Giants, not based on their relative size to other continents. Ytma resides to the west of Nowch. Ytma is the largest continent on Ithica has the most diverse racial demographics. Ytma is home to every race of Giant and humanoid on Ithica and has the largest populations of the animal humanoid races. The vast majority of the continet is ruled by seperated groups of Giant who allow humanoids stewardship of their lands. One such example is the Astidia, primarily populated by Tabaxi. The Tabaxi formed a agreement with King Gruson, a Storm Giant leader and have full control of the region with certain stipulations with respect to the desert within. The Astidia surrounds a large desert considered a ritual challenge ground for the those living in and visiting the Astidia.


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