The Chronicles of the Itharia: Session Sixty-one Report in Ithica | World Anvil

The Chronicles of the Itharia: Session Sixty-one

General Summary

The party went looking for a place to stay. They found the Hallowed Halls Inn, run by an older dirty dwarf with sun damage skin and soot on his face. They got two rooms and after a quick discussion cast sending to communicate with Ellish. He told them to come meet him down by the water. The party made their way down and found him retelling the story of the creation of the Elementia Rangers by Orodon, the Crux of Elements. After the crowed watching moved along Ellish confirmed the party had the potential solution and explained how they would get to Ambrose on Palmata. The party told him about being attacked by the green snake and showed him the broken emerald. He seemed to show some quiet concern but didn't say much. Theren, Rhy, and Lee all suspected Ellish was not entirely truthful when he implied the state of Dark Mound was unchanged by the attacks.   The party stopped at the Gold Favor to mention the strange vision that some of the party had to Tholly. Cassiopeia greeted them and was uncomfortably close to Rhy and Theren. Theren mentioned their plant and upon learning from Gronco that Thiblewip had been looking at digging it up, decided to take it back to their hotel room. Gronco also informed the party that Tholly had gone to the Temple of Ioun and would be back at the latest by morning as he hated sleeping in beds other than his own. Rhy mentioned they wanted to tell him about the vision and Cassiopeia, upon hearing the description said she'd had the same vision and whatever it was the ship and crew could handle it. During the discussion Lee managed to slip away.   The party returned to their hotel room and not long after lee returned. Theren seeing Lee return rushed to ask him about the book they found. Lee unlocked the book of Vecna finding within a holy text of Vecna. It held the tennets and teachings; encouraging the destruction of knowledge by any means, the stealing and secreting of information and all manner of diabolic action to achieve these ends. Theren promised that their actions were only putting themselves at risk. The party went to sleep.   Ranrus returned to his nightmare. The spirit this time focusing on convincing Ranrus that he was misunderstood. The spirit iterated again his desire to help Ranrus kill, destroy, and demolish his enemies. Upon facing total resistance to this he challenged Ranrus understanding of the scene. This time showing the scene spoken in common. The dwarves seemed to be ignoring the spirit, fighting over who would marry a woman, the succession, and the limited need for the woman past a point.   After the spirit finished killing everyone, the dream played out longer and the spirits maniacal laughter mixed with open sobbing. He told Ranrus that the woman they were talking about was his future wife, the first matriarch.   He woke exhausted but he did heal the exhaustion before preparing his spells for the day.   The party headed down to the port to get on the ferry to Palmata. The staff were pushy and the passengers varied. While Lee tried to drink by himself, Rhy tried to talk to those who looked like members of the guild about joining. She found three half elves whom were about her age, all members of the guild who explained there were a variety of ways to join. She inadvertently flirted with on of them prompting a very aggressive response from the woman in their party. Rhy was very confused and was informed shortly after that two of the elves were in a blood bound betrothal and that the woman was committed to it while the man was bound by familial responsibility leading to these stressful reactions.   Lee seeing his sister discomfort flirted with the elf and ended up in a make out session with her resulting in a second awkward situation. Ellish noted the strangeness of the journey when they arrived, and the party made their way through the city to the path that led to the the volcano. The party took the bird and after a short trek found the entrance to the former hide out of The Monks of Ile   Inside the party saw the destruction of fire that Ambrose presumably brought when he was summoned. They passed several rooms, one with Erma the green. The party did not enter. They passed Baan the Black, a dwarf with a massive black beard who seemed more focused on brewing then any sort of ranger duties. They passed a room full of a rainbow of coloured light before passing through the room of Imm the White, a calm but incredible aggressive goblin with a taste for humanoid flesh. lastly they entered a chamber with a large stone table of platform with etching ofmany animas on its faces. Alesha the Red was there and after a brief moment of brevado from her and Imm she let the party pass with Ellish into a massive domed chamber with a summoning circle at its center and standing at the center of that circle was Ambrose.   Date:27 and 28th of Gorim
Report Date
02 Jan 2021


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