The Chronicles of the Itharia: Session Forty-two Report in Ithica | World Anvil

The Chronicles of the Itharia: Session Forty-two

General Summary

The party left The Roar in the Storm and headed to the The Boiler Pot so Lee could return his ring of invisibility, and the party could deliver Nher Dest the moonstones. He informed the party he bet on them, and owed them a drink. He also traded 4 regular healing potions and two superior healing potions for the moonstones, which he noted were not from Nowch. The party also traded the jar of sithala blooms for a superior healing potion, a potion of the moon snake, and a potion of the moon titan. Rhy bought4 additional potions of the moon snake.   Afterwards Theren revealed that they had been given yet another tarot card, somehow it came from Yua herself, although Theren was washy on the details, it had something to do with them being dead. Ranrus identified the card as "Friend". Lee headed back to the The Cats Cradle to continue reading the tome of the jester. The others debated how to move forward with the Itharia. They returned to The Cats Cradle to discuss and eventually landed on sending a letter with the Murder Mansion's teleportation circle on it to the Itharia. They decided asking Phoenix Arcanica House was a good starting point.   After a short dispute with the gnome manager of Phoenix Arcania House,Thinabell Phoenix-Vein, Arthur Phoenix-Heart arrived and attempt to figure out the parties purpose for being there. but the party switched gears to Ambrose and Arthur's mood changed. After an extensive series of questioning, Arthur admitted to knowing who, and possibly where, Ranicon was, but was not about to tell Ambrose, whoever he was, his whereabouts. He agreed to help with the teleportation, so that Alesha the Red would stop harassing the house. He said he would find someone capable of teleporting a letter and send them to see them. He also threatened to burn their very souls' if they mentioned Ranicon outside the the house, and warned "We'll have ears now."   Returning to the The Cats Cradle the party sent Gump a message informing her of the situation. Rhy went looking for Auna, being told that a moonfolk woman had been walking up and down the street across from the inn much of the day trying to look conspicuous and failing. Rhy went looking for her only to find her sister drunk and beating the snot out of to drunk male humans. She found that the moonfolk twins seemed to be staying at Kirin house, having somehow gained some sort of in there that seemed strange to Orethia Ovethekali considering how Ohpa Gumnan trounced Oula in her arena match with him.   Lee went out after finishing reading to find stay and found her at a small restaurant with a tortle bartender with a very elongated speech pattern. Stay was meeting with the hooded figure who stole the hemlet for Di. He was speaking to stay about Yua.   When he left lee Stepped in to talk about the cards, what the party had learnt and what stay had learnt. After a long sequence of conversation that might of been considered foreplay, the restaurant faded to black. the part completed a long rest   Date:14th and 15 of Gorim

Rewards Granted

3 superior healing potions, 4 regular healing potions, one potion of the moon titan, one potion of the moon Snake   Identified- Friend(tarot card), Oddi's Favour( legendary dagger)

Character(s) interacted with

Gump Hookbeak Orethia Ovethekali Arthur Phoenix-Heart Thinabell Phoenix-Vein Oula  Silk Nher Dest
Report Date
01 Sep 2020
Primary Location
Secondary Location


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