The Chronicles of the Itharia: Session Four Report in Ithica | World Anvil

The Chronicles of the Itharia: Session Four

General Summary

The party, having discovered that the armor they were looking for had been stolen, began their investigation into the theft. The party investigated 2 of the 3 suggested gangs, and High Hill University. They met Ranrus Irontusk and he joined them on his own search for a stolen alchemic solution.
  Eventually the party discovered who was hired to steal the various objects, who hired the gang that stole them, and who hired them to steal the solution. The party recovered all the stolen goods in verying degrees of condition, and returned to Lord Varse who allowed them to keep all the objects that the party had been honest about. The party went on to discover who had broken into Lord Varse's vault, a rune child named Trent, presented him to Lord Varse who applauded the young man and rewarded the party for completing his request.
  Date: 8th to 9th of Draconom

Rewards Granted

Cloak of Elvenkind, band of Intellect (a thin gold band that does not connect int he front but instead has a blue gem suspended between the two points), gauntlets of ogre strength, gloves of missile snaring, a magic scroll tube, a Giant's Ritual Dagger, a Pearl of Power, a ring???, the moonfolk armor, and a boat load of gold.

Missions/Quests Completed

Retrieved the moonfolk armor. Discovered the individual responsible for breaking into the vault.

Character(s) interacted with

Lord Varse, Herbert Tolan, Trent, Tasha Orange, Fan Partlet , Albert Heart , Illie Temera, Dr Jonathan Absin, Auna
Report Date
17 Aug 2019
Primary Location


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