The Chronicles of the Itharia: Session Forty-three Report in Ithica | World Anvil

The Chronicles of the Itharia: Session Forty-three

General Summary

The party woke, three in The Cats Cradle and one at Terra's Feathers. Oula had come to visit and after clearly stressing out Silk( prompting them to go wake the party), she asked the party to join her and her sister on a hunt to kill an adult belower roaming around the the main road between Snowbright and the rest of the continent. She also challenged both Ranrus and Lee to fight in the arena tonight, the last night of this week's gladiatorial series. After neither took her offer to fight, and agreeing to assist with bellower she left. Soon after Joseph Phoenix-Shin arrived and teleported the teleportation circle to Nessaross, the small town on the edge of The Wilds and Dragon Maw Mountains were a contact of The Itharia lives.   The party headed to the murder mansion, but Rhy took them the long way, looking for Auna. She found her in the market where she was speaking with the female gnome glass blower. Ranrus bought a variety of spell components. Auna joined the party in visiting the murder mansion where the party learnt Me had taken on a new name, Lotus Methuselah. He had an experience in the library that was strange to Bit'tun, but the library, first and second floors, had been cleaned. The party spread out. Rhy gave Auna a tour of the main floor and eventually the two explored the cleaned library together. Ranrus went to perform funeral rites for the ape demon and gather the two arcanaforged and do similar for them. Lee and Theren went look at the Mercurial Mirror. Theren tried to see Tenarra but only saw what they believed to be a random surface location on Fron Tar. they tried again to focus harder, casting an ice spell on the mirror, and the window changed to the destroyed, grounded remains of Myth'Nen. Lee tried to see Eragis and saw a ice covered mountain peak with snow blowing furiously horizontal. Theren followed this with an attempt to see Rasephar's Plane and saw their home though from a different angle then they had seen, it matched what they remembered. Having shown sign the mirror did take them where they were trying to look in someway, Theren made the bold choice to think "Mutta". The mirror showed a mountain ridge from the sky covered in mist. Theren chose to try to speak (assuming this mirror worked as communication device as was seen with Eragis) but was stop by Lee when they appeared to be asking Mutta to come find the party. The two descended into a deep conversation about personal value, faith, life after death, and the meaning of life (which, obviously, is an arbitrary number that has no logical purpose). Eventually Rhy left Auna to go see to the arrival of the Itharia. Ranrus met her alone at the teleportation circle with the bodies of the arcanaforged. Ranrus initiated a conversation about how the group handled Eragis and how they should handle things like that in the future. As the group took a moment to consider all that was discussed they were interrupted by fireworks as Alison Wilson Anthony Wilson and Ogden Bootholt arrived. After the party filled them in on the house, Eragis, and the solution for Ambrose being able to leave the plane, Anthony decide to sure up the defences and consult Bit'tun, Alison started investigating the mirror, and Ogden looked atthe matriarch laboratory, after tearing down Ranrus for turning the construct into ingots.   Ranrus followed Ogden leaving him Arthwurp's blueprints. He asked Ogden for the opportunity to learn from him and was given a ball bearing puzzle as a test for consideration. Ranrus also performed an autopsy on the warforged and arcanaforged before performing another ritual which strangly seemed to cause the appearance of many ravens feathers. Lee and Rhy spoke with Allison for a short period before she mentioned the mirror was a silver artifact, magical object made from silver wood of the feywild. The twins returned to find Auna who had found a new friend in Lotus, who was telling her all about green herbs grown on red mountains, that could make a tea that cured all sorts of ailments which Lotus seemed to know the names and effects of in great detail. Auna asked if she could speak with Lee and asked what his sister liked other then books. After series of bad lies the two returned to Rhy and Lotus. Rhy asked if Lotus knew anything about the strange mountain they saw and he said it might be something called the "Dwarf Cap", something supposedly on or denoting one of if not the tallest peak in the Dragon Maw Mountains    After another short discussion with Auna it was discovered Oula was somewhat love struck in her own unique way, tending to fall head over heels for any man who beat her in a fight. The three somewhat agreed to watch the final gladiatorial match together in the coming evening. The party finally gathered to discuss sending a message to Alesha the Red. They requested she meet them outside the front gates to the city and that they believed they had a solution to Ambrose being stuck on Ithica and after a very panicked follow up when the party believed Ambrose himself would be arriving at the front gates and the chaos that might cause, the follow up response was a typical demeaning response implying the party unworthiness to lay eyes on Ambrose.   Date: 15th of Gorim 1:00pm
Report Date
09 Sep 2020


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