The Chronicles of the Itharia: Session Eight Report in Ithica | World Anvil

The Chronicles of the Itharia: Session Eight

General Summary

The party fought Rasephar in their study. The party fought hard, but eventually it became clear Rasephar had only been using a portion of their power and began to strike the party down one by one. Though each of them, instead of dying, was encased in some sort of crystalline substance. Once each member of the party was encased, the party was freed and brought back to consciousness where Rasephar seemed confused as to why the party was there. Rasephar spoke with the party briefly and addressed a few things of note. They did not think Theron was an elf, encouraged the party to try and grow their seed, mentioned they would appreciate the gift of the party getting Mutta to visit them. They also had a somewhat peculiar dragon chess set.   Upon being returned to the material plane on what appeared to still be the 18th of Dargoth( for those who knew what a calendar looked like and what day it was) the party continued on, returning to the village they briefly stopped in before. Here they stumbled upon Elanor Lind, who appeared to be preparing for a public execution, which the party gave her permission to perform( after discovering the man had been attempting to become a lich) after talking with her a short while, she decide to investigate the undead that seemed to be headed towards something, not away from something, in Krata to see if someone was summoning these undead to them/it. She also told the party of Oddi, a lich she’s looking to kill, and warned the party not to draws his attention.   When the party mentioned Ambrose she was not aware of the situation in Dark Mound but said she had heard/seen some fire elemental near snow bright which is strange and she new about the monks of Ile (she was not a fan).   Lastly she asked the party if they could look into a village with a cult she accepted the job of dealing with but discovered it was unrelated to undead and was unnecessary for her to deal with. The party accepted and headed that way>( also everyone lied and said they hadn’t been to dark mound yet)   The party on their trip to Crawn spoke with each other about the recent events. Ranrus and Rhy discussed religion and exchanged information on Aunatar and Spearadeer.   Lee and Theren learned about the months of the year, and in turned discovered that the dragon Theren befriended was a silver Dragon named Tenara, the same name as the Silver month, Tenara.   Both conversations led to a lot of questions and maybe not as many answers as either group would of liked.

Rewards Granted

Ring of the Firfly Flower pod

Missions/Quests Completed

Escape Rasephar’s Island

Character(s) interacted with

Rasephar, Archfey of Soot ,Elanor Lind
Report Date
11 Nov 2019
Primary Location


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