Chronicles of the Realm Walkers, The Amber Forge: Session 34 Report in Ithica | World Anvil

Chronicles of the Realm Walkers, The Amber Forge: Session 34

General Summary

Theren and Rhy asked Exanna her lich comment, Exanna explained the care taker was lich. Rhy caught Exanna in the contradiction of knowing Barovia but claiming to not know about other planes. Her poorly conceived ruse about not knowing they were on another plane fell apart. This lead to her revealing she did indeed know about plane shifting and had done so previously. Dora switched gear to encouraging lunch, pointing out the picnic basket she had brought and Rhy, frustrated, went to get Lee. Inside the twins spoke briefly partaking in drinks with Feln in honor of the Saint who killed Strahd. They learnt Feln's party, including the Saint, killed Strahd, but that Strahd still existed, in the Amber Forge somewhere. Lee snuck off having heard muffled screams of horror. Outside the others realized Rhy had gone in to get lee nearly 20 minutes ago Ranrus messaged Rhy who said her brother was skulking about. Outside crew took no issue.   Theren continued to pester the Exanna and Dora asking if they knew Maranath which they confirmed and confirmed Exanna was a dragon, Gorim.   While Lee inspected the forge level of the Amber Forge invisibly Rhy engaged with Feln spilling her guts about relationships and Tholly. Feln revealed he loved the Saint Lorelai and was waiting for her to return because they promised to kill the lich together. During their conversation Feln placed a consoling hand on to Rhy's and she felt a kin ship and respect with Feln, he was a very good listener and really understood her. Lee found signs of hidden stair case, possibly leading to the source of the screams, behind the forge in-between two rooms. Lee over heard his sisters expulsion of pain and fear of not dying alone leading him to reappear soon after. He came from a different direction then he'd left and Feln look perplexed and asked if he'd gone through the chapel of the remains room. Lee claimed the chapel and tried to describe it. The twins finally went to find the others.   Outside the King of the Dragons was discussed and the idea of meeting them. Theren brought up the Yua's deck and learnt several life changing things. Dora admitted to being a dragon as well, Daragoth. Both the \Dragons were confused at Theren's comfort at holding the cards, as normal dragon literally felt discomfort touching the deck. this was extra confusing to Theren as they had no reason even with that information to feel discomfort to which to the two ancient Dragon looked perplexed as they told Theren that they were a Dragon. Dora dove into Theren's memories not finding a sign of when they became a Dragon but potentially believing Theren was not always a dragon. Ranrus requested aid killing Oddi who the dragons did know about. The two let him know the King has forbid the court from getting involved in such large scale events which confused them because Sestius was king of a country. Exanna simply stated Sestius6 is a child. Exanna reminisced on the past misses biting into things, hearing pleas to live and then ignoring them.   They all returned inside where Lee discover the chapel he’d used as an excuse did not fit his description whatsoever. They found a kitchen with two humans preparing meals for them and that there was a third whereabout unknown staff member named Amy.   They also found a large dining room while Lee rushed to check the room with “the remains” and found a strange book and a dragon skeleton. The book in front was blank to all but Lee who could not read it. Lee had a message based conversation with Dora around what could be text or figures but not read that started with magic runes or the writing of spells aren’t necessarily words that evolved into a theoretically conversation about intent and meaning and feelings not forming words.   Ranrus identified the book as the Library of Leth after Theren detected it was all types of magic. Ranrus remembered reading about Leth briefly in a historical journal in Iter. Leth was a necromancer from a far away land who wanted to learn all magic and discussion around him focused on how too contain that knowledge.   Topics discussed but I the DM have no idea when they in the order of things.   Striking a lich with Soul Key can destroy a phylactery at range if the target fails the save. There is magic, typically enchanted items that let one perceive souls.     Lorelai killed Strahd left but will return. Feln left the lich alive because he's a good sweeper and occasional guard dog. He is saving him to be killed by Lorelai.   Dragons agree to share non fiction texts with the party   Dora was Interest in Bolo's V3, She fascinated by the idea of the missing pages Rhy thinks the pages are cards reveal the card   Lee attuned to the dagger becoming cursed be friendly toward Feln and trust him   Dragons own first editions of both Bolo volumes.   Dora wants to write stories about the elementia rangers, what to discuss publishing options.   Strahd is still around, eternal,   Date: 1st day in Barovia
Report Date
14 Dec 2021


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