Eyebite Arrows Item in Ithekshem | World Anvil

Eyebite Arrows

Don't look now!
  Eyebite Arrows are enchanted to always seek the eye of their victims, guided by winds of intent. Despite their name, they come in a number of forms, with arrows just being the most common. Despite the relative ease of creation, they are impossible to mass in any number that generals dream about, and are generally reserved as specialist weapons for important enemies. Commanders, mages, or other high-value targets are the usual victims of the Eyebite arrows; even if they aren't slain outright, at least they'll be one eye out.   Eyebite Arrows are well-made but simple arrows, emblazoned with an eye or other similar symbol on the arrowhead. Most are made out of bronze, bone, or iron - in Lakhanavati, they are also made out of poisonous coral and Ironclad Ice. One especially dangerous version is made from Grave-Iron, poisoning whoever survives the initial injury with rot and disease.   Creating Eyebite Arrows is done one at a time, consuming one Astral or Air reagent to empower it. The Air magic help whip up guiding winds to carry the arrow, while Astral gives it intent and a target to identify. As long as the archer who releases the air hopes to hit an eye, that's where the arrow will be aimed with uncanny accuracy... Though armor, shields, and magic effect work as normal to deter the Eyebite Arrow

Big Game Hunting

In a world like Ithekshem, arrows are sometimes woefully inadequate for the task of taking out an eye. From dragons to giants, to undead gods that stalk the land, such an injury is like a pinprick - unpleasant, but nothing more. For those horrors and more, mages have created Eyebite Javelins and even ballistae bolts, large and cruelly barbed projectiles that will poke the eye out of even gargantuan terrors. Such missiles are much more complex to make and require as many as three or four reagents to empower, but the look of surprise and fear on the face of creatures used to be like god among tiny mortals makes the price well worth it.


Least Enchantment  

Magic Use

Air, Astral  


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Dec 15, 2022 20:35 by JRR Jara


Creator of Hanzelot and many more.