Emberite Species in Ithekshem | World Anvil


Fragments of a far greater fire.
  Tiny sparks of fire given shape and hunger, Emberites are fleeting fire elements, formed from the End of All Things. When the great elemental lords were struck down by the botched apocalypse and their planar homes overturned, both were hurled into the new world of Ithekshem with sufficient force to shatter. Some survived, greatly reduced but alive, or became like places of power across the land. Others died, creating craters that still smolders, their blood becoming rivers of fire that still rage, and fragments on divinity sought by greedy, ambitious warlocks. In either case, the impact caused countless sparks to fly far and wide across the still-cooling world after the End - Emberites.  

Embers of Creation

Emberties are small - most are no greater than the spark off a blacksmith's anvil and the largest one might successfully crown a torch. They are ever-dancing flames without limbs but sometimes form crude pseudopods, though their ability to interact with the world is limited. They can jump, climb, and crawl, but most common of all is to burn whatever they come across. Only the promise of sentience reside within the Emberites, imbued with enough power and will of their creation to have... Rough approximations of personality.  
by Unsplash (Jaroslav Devia)
However, most Emberites are concerned mainly with their hunger. They consume by burning, and when they aren't loitering in places of great and endless fire already, do whatever they can to spread a blaze. Always on the move, Emberite follow no particular plan or thought that last longer than a spark, erratically flitting around until something (or someone) catches their flammable attention.   Emberites gather in great herds, easy to mistake for a bonfire or perhaps swarm of fireflies from a distance. Unless they've found a home, they are always on the move, always setting things (and people) on fire, spawning more of their kin in frenzied orgies of devastating fires.
In the days after the End, Emberites sometime form as an unintended side-effect of powerful fire magic or when creatures of flame die - usually to the detriment of everyone around.
  Though Emberites are weak individually, collect them in great numbers to harness their collective power. Enchanters condense a multitude of Emberites into a substance with the same name and use it to create everything from weapons, ovens, to something that'll boiling their tea. Like many things weak but numerous, Emberites are frequently underestimated as a threat and every now and then consume someone who really should've known better.


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