Lanternrise Settlement in Ithan | World Anvil


Lanternrise is a village on the coast of Atril known for being a hub of illicit activities. It features a variety of buildings to conduct seedy business at from large gambling centers to brothels to dueling rings to shops full of stolen goods. Fortunately for Lanternrise, Atril has bigger problems to deal with than it. Lanternrise may be full of less-than-legal dealings, but the residents and visitors must follow a strict code of decency or risk their lives and sanity.



Gambling is one of the most popular pastimes in Lanternrise. Of all the various forms of gambling, the most popular is the fight-betting. Fight-betting entails betting money on who wins a brawl, duel, or other violent physical encounter. The most popular fights that happen are between Humans and those of other Races. A particularly nasty fight is when the organizers pit a single Troll against two Humans.


Brothels and Prostitution

The most popular and the biggest of the brothels is the Dimmed Lights Brothel, found attached to the Night's Edge Bar. Here, people of all sexual tastes can find their most fanciful desires fulfilled, so long as they follow the Brothel's contract. The contract is always signed before any company is rented out, and includes rules to enforce the prostitute's boundaries. Those found violating the contract have unsavory fates waiting for them.


Stolen Goods

Lanternrise's shops generally follow a rule of "ask no questions, get no answers" when it comes to finding out where their goods come from. This has made the sale of stolen goods a particularly common occurrence. On the main street of the village, a sign is posted declaring "Keep your enemies close, and your valuables closer", which is indicative of Lanternrise's awareness and lack of care towards the rampant theft in the village.

Founding Date
1310 AF
Inhabitant Demonym

Cover image: by Vertixico


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