Fellwater Settlement in Itha | World Anvil
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  On the northern reaches of the Kingdom of Taudarin, by the frigid shores of the lake lies the town of Fellwater. Serving as a waystation for traders it is often the last port of call for those travelling north into the icy realm of Holm.   Between the hours of dusk and dawn, the town is commonly enveloped in the mists from the lake.


  • Wooden pallisades around barracks (unmaintained)
  • Watch tower (disused)

Industry & Trade

Fellwater's logging camps provide the town's main export of pinewood logs and planks. Some of this is exported north into Holm, but mostly the logs are distributed to nearby towns in Taudarin and to the capital Feldsonn. The wood is said to have a hardier quality and its dark grain is distinctive and widely sought after.   Fellwater also serves as a waystation for trade caravans traveling between Taudarin and Holm. The local coach station holds valuable goods overnight, while the traders stay at the inn. Banditry is not uncommon, so local mercenary companies are present with members escorting caravans until they reach safer regions.


  • Watermill / lumberyard
  • Forestry camps
  • Coach house
  • Wainwright
  • Barracks, now used by local constabulary
  • Small harbour
  • Market
  • Tavern
  • Inn


Fellwater began as a logging camp, but later grew as a staging post for prisoners being escorted to the penal colony of Greenstone. As the town grew, traders passing through encouraged further development.   Today, the nearby penal colony lies in ruins and no further prisoners are being ferried there. Mercenary companies have started from the veteran guards.


The more permanent structures have a high rock foundation, with a wooden frame above, plastered with local clays.   Wooden structures are common, but tend to degrade and become uninhabitable within a matter of years from rising damp.


The town lies along the side of a lake that divides Taudarin from Holm. The land is on a slight incline that rises up into the nearby forests. A minor river runs through the town, providing fresh water, and power for the local lumber yard.

Natural Resources

On the hills above the town there are dense pinewood forests, where the town's logging industry resides.   This lake provides some amount of coldwater fish for the local populace.
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Owning Organization

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