Session 49 - X-men, Welcome to DIE in It's Always Sunny in Barovia | World Anvil
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Session 49 - X-men, Welcome to DIE

After shattering the heart, Esmeralda  warns the party that more problems may be heading their way. Coming down the tower are vampire spawn, they are screaming all the way to battle. Grinfiddeus Nobbles hears people coming up the stairs, an army of ghosts marches to join the fray. The party stalls their advance while pressing forward through the vampire spawn. Sprinting up the stairs they want to get to Strahd before anything else gets in their way. The torture rack lays empty as the party sees rain coming in from a trap door in the ceiling. Gathering themselves they head through onto the towers peak.   Strahd von Zarovich is there waiting his back turned to the party. He tells them about his curse. How it manifests and why it shrouds the land. Strahd goes on and on about some bullshit before the party has enough and the final battle begins. One final word from Strahd, "Sergei". As Adrid's armor locks up. He can't move as Strahd cackles. The rain and thunder build as the battle rages on. Strahd is smarter than the party gives him credit for. Entering and exiting faster than the party can manage. Spilling over the parapet are waves of vampire spawn while Strahd hangs back. Suddenly he appears as the party looks on. A fireball explodes taking out the vampire spawn and the vampire hunter Rudolph Van Richten. Esmerelda has finally had enough, with her mentor killed she is launched into and all out assault. She proclaims that it will end here. Strahd sweet talks the party some more. Telling them they are not the first to attempt this, they won't be the last. He has already conquered death. What hope do they have. Taking their lumps the party ready their steal to hopefully prove him wrong....

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