Elistra Dennetus Character in Isonia | World Anvil
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Elistra Dennetus

First Archon of the Laan'ithilan, General of the Free Drow, Champion of Eilistraee, First of the Moon-Elves Elistra Dennetus

Elistra Dennetus was the leader of the Laan'ithilan revolt, she was the first to speak out against Lolth and in favour of Eilistraee. Under her guidance the rebellion mustered a great force and shook the Drow underworld as Matriachs banded together to try and stop her. With her gods power behind her Elistra led a glorious revolution and managed to push back the forces of Lolth enough for her people to break free from Lolth's control. She eventually led them to the surface and on the first dusk beneath the Moon that many of her followers had ever seen she blew her warhorn and the Moon-Elves were created.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Elistra was born to a family of moderate influence in Drow society but she was always disenchanted with Lolth's perversion of her people and their race. Unlike many Drow Elistra resisted Lolth's taint and push to darkness and instead began to worship Eilistraee in secret. With time she found others who shared her opinions and together their cause grew until Elistra began to push for more equal measure for Eilistraee followers, this was naturally unpopular amongst her peers and they began to set about her destruction. Fortunately they underestimated Elistra's connection to the goddess and she was empowered with clerical ability.   Elistra rallied her supporters and rose an army of her own to stand against the Matriarchal powers promising to bring about an end to the suffering of so many under Lolth's control. The war lasted several years and with time Elistra managed to succesfully carve out a place for her supporters in the Drow political landscape as the bickering matriarchs could not muster against her.   This uneasy peace lasted for several more years before Elistra was granted a vision by her goddess of her followers returning to the surface and their race returning to it's former glory. Without a doubt in her heart Elistra conveyed this message to her supporters and to those of Lolth that she would lead all who wished it to the surface where they would begin anew.   Thus began the second war and Elistra's forces were once again faced with the Drow onslaught but this time they had but one goal. After fighting for 7 more years Elistra's forces finally made it to the surface and sealed off the gateway behind them. As they reached the surface Elistra blasted her warhorn to all of her followers and the goddess Eilistraee's magic was seen for everyone to see as every man, woman and child amongst them transformed into the Laan'ithil they are today.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Elistra led many great victories against the drow, fighting from the front line with her people she was famous for instilling valour in her troops.   She also led the fledgling Moon-Elf race as the first Archon and helped bring her people through the difficult times they faced when they first returned to the surface.

Morality & Philosophy

Though Elistra was an expert fighter she was in fact an advocate for peace and on several occasions offered peace to the Drow matriarchs, it was this desire for peace that aided her people when they first returned to the surface and found the difficulty of diplomacy with races who had distrusted her kind for centuries.
Current Location
432 AS 1032 AS 600 years old
Circumstances of Death
Elistra died an old woman having led her people to the surface, founding a new race, ruling as the first Archon and was widely believed to be the first of the Moon Elves, she was revered as a hero to her people.
The Underdark
Current Residence
Elistra is interred in the main chamber of the Lunariam
Elistra had white Iris's and a piercing stare that was known to strike fear into those who opposed her. She alone retained the Drow eye-colour when her people became the Moon-elves and many saw this as Eilistraee giving her favour to her Champion.
As a drow and a Moon-elf Elistra had short white hair which she often kept tied back
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
As a drow Elistra had Onyx black skin but as a Moon-Elf it turned a shade of light purple
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations

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