The Ichor of Essence Document in Ishtora | World Anvil
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The Ichor of Essence

Essence is what makes the Kanoia more than monsters and beasts, it is what connects them to each other and the world around them, and it is the source of why they, and the Qalani once, achieved amazing things. Some folks believe that a being's Essence travels primarily through blood, and it is because of this belief that a group of Kanoia studying occult and primordial magic have begun to learn of the powers of the blood that flows through them. Hidden away in the dangerous places of the world like the Fang Marsh is where this practice is taught to those who value knowledge and power over other's lives. In these distant locations, this vile study can progress unhindered with the added benefit of a range of test subjects from beasts to roaming Kanoia who stray to far from the roads. However, in recent years there has been talk of strange murders in towns and cities in Solanaveldt and even in Duzanteer. Rumors swill about these cannibals and their ritualistic murders which have only yielded one known clue, a piece of a recipe calling for "two small bowls of blood."


These teaching are spread by a mysterious and dangerous group who seek to amplify their own abilities from stealing the Essence of others. This is achieved by means of ingestion, as in what is passed around is an oral cookbook for cannibals. It is unknown how much time has gone into it's study or how expansive the knowledge is.

Document Structure

Legal status

In essentially all societies murder is illegal, and the dismemberment and consumption of fellow Kanoia is not only illegal but universally seen as morally repugnant.
Manual, Culinary
Oral Tradition / Word of Mouth

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