Dead Men of the Deadwood in Isesda | World Anvil
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Dead Men of the Deadwood

While the legend of Ralnyer and Gvain is widely considered nothing more than a tale, at least outside the Ada plains, it cannot be denied that there are unnatural beings in the aptly named Deadwood. Restless, incorporeal apparitions wander the trees, and while they seemingly cannot physically interact with any living thing their presence brings a chill into mortal bodies as deep as the soul. No physical blow can drive off these spirits and they walk the dimmness of the Deadwood day and night.
It is unknown how a spirit is prevented from passing to Tyn, but many scholars have verified that it can and does happen, though a haunting at the scale of the Deadwood is unique, at least among documented happenings.
Rarely does anyone go into the Deadwood for any reason, but travel along Gvain's River is common enough that sightings still happen among the riverboaters. They claim they've even seen packs of feral dogs chase away the dead men.
Whether these sightings are true encounters with the unresting spirits of the dead, mere fantasies of the imaginatively minded, or simply tales told for attention over drinks none can be certain, but with a quiet prayer of thanks to Ralnyer and a bit of extra speed they claim to have passed down the river and away from the mist and trees.


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