Creator's Blood Item in Isesda | World Anvil
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Creator's Blood

This describes the actual substance of Eledra's blood-ink which exists within the realm of Isesda. It grants direct access to creation, effectively allowing a mortal to command magic to alter reality almost to the level of the all-mother herself without consuming their mortal body. Still not truly the power of the all-mother as no mortal can wield the tools of creation, but still insanely powerful. Currently lost, though it is possible that the king of the Adamanta and/or the goddess Akashia could know of its existence/location. Uncertain.

Beware, also opens a mortal to direct contact with Void.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

The drop is literally the blood of the all-mother Eledra mixed with the un-being known as Void at the dawn of all things, before the creation. When Eledra ripped out her heart and drained her blood into it Void was enticed to chase this divine vitae, seeking to utterly destroy it. Instead, Void was subdued by Eledra and fused with her blood, forming the blood-ink with which Eledra would write all of existence within her realm into being.

Legend holds that the drop of creator's blood that exists within Isesda carries with it still the power of that moment of creation, when the world was still unformed and only existed within the all-mother.

It is said to allow a mortal wielding it to form magic without channeling the power through their body, thus giving them power on-par with the Children as the limitations of the lesser body are bypassed. Some stories say that the drop would grant the user true control over reality within Isesda, but most versions of the story say this would only be possible if one also possessed the tools of creation which lie with the all-mother herself.

Item type
Unique Artifact

According to legend, there is only a single drop of creator's blood within the mortal realm of Isesda, possibly without Eledra's knowledge though that is debated. Most mortals agree that this is just a legend and that no such substance exists, though there are some groups who profess the truth of the myth.


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