Atrean Inquisitors Profession in Isesda | World Anvil
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Atrean Inquisitors

"There are no more inquisitors in Atreus." When Prince Luris spoke these words to the peoples gathered in the crown city of Atreus, cheers broke out. People celebrated the end of the Iquisitive Order as though a plague had passed. Unfortunately, the Prince lied, or at the very least spoke in ignorance. Atrean inquisitors are a very old order, tracing their founding back to Prince Nayr though they often claim that their order was placed by an avatar of Krodis itself, with the sole purpose of seeking out and eliminating any individual found to be in service of Void. This goal seems commendable outwardly, but it's the history of the order's methods that have made them reviled in Atreus and across Raiven. Inquisitors considered even research into Void to be apostasy to the faithful of the Children and so would brutalize scholars for such even if it were done in the name of opposition to Void and those that serve it. They took it on themselves to determine the severity of the crime they percieved and delivered justice, usually through murder. They would then destroy any knowledge they found relating to Void, its history or its servants. They were known to torture for information and confessions. A few inquisitors became so zealous that they would "cleanse" entire villages if they believed Void worship had taken place. Though the order may have started with the best of intentions, their unwillingness to answer to anyone, even the Atrean prince, slowly led them to a path of deep corruption up until the people of Atreus would accept it no longer. It was at this point that Prince Luris officially disbanded the order, stripped its members of titles and authority, and named any who acted in the name of the Inquisitive Order an enemy of the crown. What the prince does not seem to know is that the Inquisitive Order is alive and well functioning underground within his own crown city. Led by Lord Inquisitor Magress Ryln, the order works in the shadows to continue it's mission, now with the addition of larceny and paid assassination to the order's resume. In fact, it seems the inquisitors have become mercenary to the point they'll do just about anything for the right coin, so long as it supports their ultimate goal of destroying all knowledge of Void. Ryln has also begun spreading rumor that Prince Luris may be in the sway of Void. This, of course, is the true threat the order presents as such logic could be used to justify the elimination of any opponent. Some have even speculated that Ryln and other recent leaders of the order are secretly Void-worshippers themselves, particularly in light of the order's willingness to eliminate any who research Void out of a desire to defeat the lifebane forever.


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