PDRMNIS Organization in Isaac Atomic Solar System | World Anvil
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A civilian organization under the PDRM Department of Defence, the Peoples Demeocratic Republic of Mars Naval Investigative Service, often known as NIS within the PDRMN, investigates criminal activity within the Navy of the PDRM. All capital ships have an agent or two aboard, and they can typically be found anywhere the PDRMN operates. They are allowed to carry weapons, and may perform any legal action in the course of investigation. They may also have access to any public information they wish, and may apply to recieve private information if they wish.
The PDRMNIS does not actually arrest criminals, or charge them. They do operate closely with military police who perform these actions, but for transparency and to prevent accusation of military bias, the investigation answers to no uniform.
Most of the personell are former members of the PDRMN, are from the DLO or some other kind of policing agency.


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