Aetheric Accelerator Cannon Item in Irrum Vath | World Anvil
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Aetheric Accelerator Cannon

The Aetheric Accelerator Cannon, or AAC, is a weapon created by Sparksteel to serve as her primary method of defense while exploring the caverns. It is founded on the principle of magical condensation. The weapon consists of three parts: a barrel, a set of cartridges that are loaded into the firing mechanism, and the firing mechanism itself.   The barrel is large and heavy, extending out three feet from the base of the weapon. It is formed of a single tube of steel that is decorated externally with copper wires and has a single notch for alignment. The cartridges are loaded into the base of this barrel, and launch metal slugs at extremely high speeds out of the barrel.   These cartridges are composed of two chambers, one loaded with an assortment of metal bars, and a base that contains the propulsion. The primary cartridge type that Sparksteel uses is founded on the principle of magical condensation. Over time, the cartridges leech magic from the surroundings and condense it into the internal chambers, and converts it to an explosive state. This magic can then be ignited with the trigger and used to propel a bar forwards, shattering it into shards from the impact.   However, Sparksteel has noted lately that her cartridges take longer and longer to recharge, and has begun construction of a new type of cartridge. Her expeditions over time have shifted their focus to finding materials that could be used to synthesize explosive compounds chemically to replace the reliance on magic for the firing.
Item type
Weapon, Ranged


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