Sumati White Moss Species in Iron Stars | World Anvil

Sumati White Moss

Sumati white moss is found in the mountainous regions of Sumati 2, and was first discovered by the exploration team led by Jademane explorer Syringa.   This species of moss is found growing on the mineral rich rocks native to the foothills and highlands of Sumati 2. Large amounts of water are necessary for its growth, and Sumati white moss gets most of this moisture from condensation during the morning and evening hours of the day. It also requires large amounts of sunlight and only grows where most tree cover is absent.   When ground down into a paste the moss has numbing properties that could make it useful for the management of pain. It is currently unknown if the moss has antiseptic properties. It is not recommended to injest a large amount as the numbing effect is indiscriminate in what tissues are contacted and thusly affected.
Geographic Distribution


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