Gulch Cat Species in Iron Stars | World Anvil

Gulch Cat

This species was first discovered by Syringa and a Zadak explorer named Nazarine during a routine patrol north through the mountains bordering the Jademane and Zadak colonies of Sumati 2.   Gulch Cats are a carnivorous mammal species based on the terran cheetah, though adapted through gene engineering and psionic life seeding to the developing wilds of Sumati 2. The Gulch Cat is an apex predator, and is the top of the food chain in the canyons and mountainous terrain of its homeworld. Their favored prey is the rodent and hog species that exist in the canyons and grassy meadows beyond. Older Gulch Cats that are too slow to hunt their favored prey have been known to hunt Jademane or Zadak hunters when the opportunity presents itself, though these attacks are uncommon.   Their young are rarely seen though the few observations that exist indicate they will give live birth to between two and five young ,and can do so yearly if environmental conditions allow. The mother seems to be responsible for the cubs, and will leave them hidden while out hunting for food.
Geographic Distribution


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