Asta Geographic Location in Iron Stars | World Anvil


  • Breathable Atmosphere
  • Arid Biosphere
  • Millions of Inhabitants
  • Tech Level 4
  The local land masses are remarkably unstable, and regular earthquakes rack the surface. Local construction is either advanced enough to sway and move with the vibrations or primitive enough that it is easily rebuilt. Severe volcanic activity may be part of the instability.   The earthquakes have been harnessed by the global hegemon, The Alloy Host, to generate enormous amounts of energy, powering several Alloy Host cities.   The human residents have been pushed back to their final city, Theta-Khai where the Water Church and Water Barons have united to begin fighting back.   The Water Barons are divided into several gangs within the city of Theta-Khai   Barons and Their Gangs:   Adders: Metal welding mask face plates, usually wearing pistols and daggers. They seem to conduct business fairly, and sometimes will give a bit of water to the truly impoverished. If you do have the means, and rip them off, they will show no mercy.   Inundated Host: Water is reserved for who is a 'client' of their baron/organization. Must show a token or mark to be given water. Expenses/use are logged with care, for collection on in the form of favors later.   The Old Guard: best equipped. cheap, but water is strictly rationed. only have one pump, and it is heavily guarded.     Post-Alloy Host   In February 2668 a combined force of Agent Theta Eastmarch, Billy Rigers, and thousands of robotic soldiers from The Exalted Path were able to finally defeat The Alloy Host in open battle. A fierce fight took place around the space elevator ruins, where a parking ramp converted into a fort was captured.    The Exalted Path have removed much of the infrastructure from the Alloy Host areas, though the planet is now cleansed of their presence. The remains of the space elevator and power plants have all been removed and taken into EXP hands for other matters. As for the Exalted Path, their fleet has left the system for parts unknown.   Asta is a dry world , though several points of interest remain. It is mineral rich as is, and the dry climate would make it a desirable manufacturing hub   In September 2670 the two surviving members of the Order of the Lifegiving Spring were brought to Asta by the sunblade Dathian. Their small camp sits on the western edge of the central sea. From there they endure and hope to attract those with talent in the sunblade arts to rebuild their shattered order.
Owning Organization
Inhabiting Species


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