Übers Profession in Iron Crusade | World Anvil


Übers - called like that by forces of Greater German Republic and Central Powers, with english-speaking part of the world preferring 'Supers') - are a new addition to the arsenal of every thaumaturgic power. They can be described as artificial copies of Awakened, created with a very specialized set of powers that set them apart of average humans.   There is a limited list of Übers-variant. Each is essentialy a template and a model according to which humans are augmented. Each of such 'forms' is both powerful (though much beneath Awakened of the same class) but stable and can be mass produced as long as right candidates are found.   The biggest side-effect of Über-enhancement is that it heavily limits ones' self-improvement. After you are made into one and stabilized on certain class, going above it - even with professional help - is extremely hard and dangerous, often (especially in case of the Axis Übers) impossible. It also limits your ability to learn magic.



Person must possess an inborn qualifications for Über-enhancement. It is the same type of potential that's needed for being considered a true magician. Those few that had it when magic came back became Awakened. Those that didn't but wanted to become more than a simple mundane soldiec could either settle for being a Combat Sorcerer and use wands as a crutch replacing their lack of potential, or try to artificially create such potential and go for Über creation.

Career Progression

According to all descriptions of magic grades of the erithians, there are now several classes of every type of Über. Those classes, going from lowest to highest, are:  
  1. Ash-class: Which is essentially barely improved human that doesn't even require an Über-potential. And doesn't even 'really' is considered an Über, with many calling them 'Augmented' or by some local equivalent..
  1. Ember-class: Here an Über is truly one. Amplification of power, speed and strength are standard, making an Ember-class Über of every type capable of shrugging off gunfire while tearing apart a Combat Sorcerer in a powered armour - with their bare hands. You also get some unique powers, but they tend to bloom above that grade.
  1. Flame-class: Über of Flame-class are all One Man Armies that put Rambo to shame. Save for those focused on infiltration or speed they can survive a direct hit from an average tank cannon (with exemption of assault guns). Their special powers also shine.
  1. Inferno-Class: Every country (even those of Axis) have very limited number of Inferno-class Übers. Each of them can tear apart whole tank companies, getting repeatedly hit by artillery fire and combat hexes.



In terms of pure military applications they are used as more powerful Combat Sorcerers. So, mostly as fast response units, used when the frontline is collapsing and to counter some powerful strike forces of the Axis. Unlike them, they can also serve as de facto tanks, being used as units made to break through entrenched positions while leading a normal infantry assault.

Social Status

For all sides save for the Axis and East Asian Alliance, Übers are heroes. Tearing apart tanks and powered armours with their super-strength, ignoring gunfire and even artillery rounds, having a number of mysterious superpowers, with at least some of their enhancement also fixing all sorts of defficiencies in a way their body looks like.   Axis (and Sternberg's Orda) have a number of much more grotesque Übers, that are used as cannonfodder. And with even other Übers being seen in a much more utilitarian way.


Central Powers
Naładowany [Kingdom of Poland]
Fleischkrieger [GGR]
Treaty of Anchorage
Chinovnik [Russian Republic]


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