Draconia Settlement in Irodan | World Anvil
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The northern city of Draconia is a truly magical city created by the god Boccob. Existing mostly out of a firm central city enveloped by walls and wild types of ancient magic. Draconia is a wonder to behold in the world of Irodan.   The floating rocks inhibit the highest order of the city, which includes a select few of the most influential people in the city and the council.   The city consist of a single circular city surrounded by a sizeable (about 20 feet) solid rock wall protecting the city. Like the entirety of the city, the walls and surrounding fields are engulfed by magic, allowing the magic users of Draconia to detect and notice disturbances and possibles risks in the environment before they are visually noticed. This magical aura also caused the inhabitants of Draconia to become very powerful wielder of magic. However, it is not unheard of that a nonmagical Dragonborn is born within the city walls. Dragonborn are living amongst each other both with or without tails and live in harmony together.   Other races, however, are rarely seen in the city of Draconia. In order to keep the divine magical aura created by Boccob pure, the dragonborn only allow other races to enter on high political authority. In the other direction, however, various dragonborn have left their Draconia hometown origins to discover the world and learn new forms of magic.   The sizeable surplus of magic in Draconia has allowed it to become the greatest city where magic is invented as well as, inadvertently, causing it to be the city with the most formidable army, especially considering its size. Being one of the first cities in the world to control an army consisting out of a wide array of magic users almost outnumbering the amount of non-magic fighters in the city.


Central magocracy leads through magical prowess and capabilities of teaching the newer generations to garner a following.


The city is surrounded by a 20 feet thick wall. Breaking up this wall are several towers from which arrows can be shot and spells can be cast.


The best description of its layout would be 'sporadic'. Following no logical order, streets, alleyways and buildings seem to stand anywhere the Draconians found place to built them. Above the city square, accessible via levistones the floating buildings can be accessed.


The city of Draconia is the center of magical prowess, knowledge, experimentation and virtue. As such, it has become a high valued target for any who sees to gain the most advanced magical knowledge.


  • Draconia
    Holy city of Boccob. Draconia stands alone yet firm.
Inhabitant Demonym
Draconians, Dragonborn


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