Understone Settlement in Irion | World Anvil
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Understone is the ruined city discovered by Melodia Silvereyes during her ill fated expedition into the Depths. The city was clearly abandoned long ago - little remains but the carved rock itself, and even much of that has fallen down.  


Little is known about the society that lived here. From the use of High Magic enchantments like that housed in the Understone Monolith, it is clear that this society was truly ancient, predating the Ancoran Empire expanding to the Iron Hills region, as the Anchor built at that time would have made the use of such devices impossible. From the extent of the caverns, it seems likely that the city supported a population of several thousand people, with large open areas scattered around could have been used for agriculture.   The surviving buildings are made of a nigh indestructible stone, many of which bear decorative matters or highly stylized murals. It's not clear if these murals depict events of historical or religious significance, or if it's just artistic expression. Given how durable this stone is, it seems likely the carvings were made out of a softer material and then transformed by the use of a device like the one found in the tunnel near the entrance of the city.   In the tunnel leading out to Bethel Cavern and the Understone Monolith, there are destroyed remains of what seems to be a hastily erected barrier, which was likely built after the protective magic of the monolith failed. The rock is made of the same fused stone found in the more enduring structures in the city, but despite the thickness of these fortifications, they are were found staved in, suggesting something very powerful attacked the city at one point. It's not clear if this creature killed everyone in the city, or if they fled after defeating it, but either way, it is clear the city met a violent end.


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