Tomb of the Firstborn Building / Landmark in Irindor | World Anvil

Tomb of the Firstborn

the ancient Khoven faciltiy that Amnul used to research the Divine Essence, and how to ascend beyond that of a god.

Purpose / Function

The purpose of the Tomb was to aquire Divine Essence and study its effects on mortal and outsiders, its ultimate goal was for Amnul the Emperor of the Khoven to ascend beyond that of a god and the need for worshipers.


The original Tomb, where the Fallen Angel was kept locked away would be transformed into a Vault for Amnul's most trusted servants phylacteries. here Amnul ensured that each of his remaining servants were vulnerable to him yet safe from outside harm.


there is one enterance to the Tomb of the Firstborn, a room of Teleportation that only opens a portal to those on the surface if the have the required Key Stone, a special device carved from black iron and diamonds.

Sensory & Appearance

The Vault, holds many shelves of numerous phylacteries for each of Amnuls trusted Mages, and three floating pyramids that contain the captured Divine Essence to ensure that none of the lesser servants betrayed their masters. Gravity in the Vault acted strangely, each of the surfaces in the room acting as the floor. The vault is icey cold, deep within the earth and far from the warmth of the sun, nor does it have any oxygen. only the scent of ancient earth and old bones welcomes those who brave this place.


The Vault contained three small pyramids filled to bursting with Divine Essence, enough for a single mortal to ascend to godhood.

Hazards & Traps

The Vault has a sentient puddle of acidic ooze which constantly threatens the phylacteries of Amnul's underlings should the betray their master. the ooze is nearly impervious to magic, making it a difficult target for the Liches and their mastery of the arcane.

Special Properties

teleporting into the Vault requires a master Keystone, and use of a specific portal deep within the Tomb of the Firstborn.


The Tomb began as a single chamber constructed to house a fallen Angel, but Amnul had an entire complex constructed around this one chamber and the surrounding Ley Lines to make a near impregnable research facility. constantly being expanded and improved via magic, the Tomb would stretch for miles underground with no acess to the surface but for carefulyl placed teleportation circles that required specific runestones to use safely.


The Tomb was built with typical Khoven extravagance, their magics making simple work of what would take even the most talented army of builders and masons generations to complete.every room different from the last, depending on which of the Magi were in control of the research in that particular area of the Tomb.


Originally the Tomb was a punishment for Anir's favored angel, after the Angel expressed regret over the ordeal with Jora. Anir sentanced the Angel to a dark and cold prison for many centuries for his transgressions against the Sun God. Eventually however, Amnul would discover this hidden Tomb deep beneath the earth and bend it to his will. every inch of the facility was constructed with security in mind, to keep unwanted transgressors out. for a time Anir would send his legions of Angels to besiege the Tomb but after his Angels were captured and tormented for experiments Anir withdrew his servants and abandoned the Angels trapped within. it was here that Amnul dedicated so much of his time and efforts to that eventually he allowed his Kingdom to fall to ruin, claiming the Khoven had served their purpose and only required the aid of his most powerful and trusted mages to finish the task at hand.
Environmental Effects
Magic within the Vault has a chance to be absorbed by the Ooze, making it stronger and larger.


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