The Nameless Black Character in Irindor | World Anvil

The Nameless Black

Omynvaarnth (a.k.a. Omyn)

Omynvaarnth, The Nameless Black, Who takes on the guise of mortals to lead them to their destruction for the Dragons own purposes.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

While he may use magic to change his form at will, The Nameless Blacks true form is a mountain of scales, mighty claws, and powerful muscles.

Special abilities

Omynvaarnth can use his magic to Transform his form into that of nearly anything he desires, though he most often assumes the form of a Mortal. Omynvaarnth is rumored to be a potent spell caster, one of his reputed catastrophes brought about while he was a Council Mage for a budding kingdom in Antaeus.

Specialized Equipment

Omynvaarnth will wear one personalized trinket from his latest prey while he stalks his next victim. A hint for the opponent to gleam The Nameless Blacks true nature.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

The Nameless Black is considered by many to be a mythological figure, a title worn by many different black dragons who insist they are the infamous Omynvaarnth. Omynvaarnth, the dragons "true name" literally translates to "Nameless" .The Nameless Black has used his abilities over the eons to masquerade as political envoys to numerous kingdoms, offering advice and gifts to Mortals of power to bring about their ruin. Omynvaarnth takes a perverse joy in seeing Mortals destroyed by their own hands, and he takes careful steps to allow them every opportunity to make the wrong choice. Dwarves swear by their own beards that Omynvaarnth was responsible for the Curse of Stone which cost the Dwarves their Immortality and their favor with their Pantheon for generations. Because The Nameless Black works from the shadows, it is difficult to pinpoint where the Black Dragon has and has not been. When asked however, if he is not in the middle of another plot, Omynvaarnth will tell tales of his exploits with glee and refute any catastrophes laid at his feet unjustly.


Omynvaarnth wore the face of a trusted Dwarven Adviser during the First War between Giants and Dwarves, And again for the High Cleric Neymor during the Endless War in Antaeus with the Khoven.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Omynvaarnth hordes ruins, specifically the ruined ambition of great mortals. He often boasts of a Throne constructed from half melted Crowns, Armors, Swords, and Baubles that these would be Conquerors valued before their fall.

Failures & Embarrassments

Omynvaarnth unintentionally set about the devastation of his kind, when the Khoven gleamed a secret hidden within The Nameless Blacks cryptic teachings. Omynvaarnth also considers the Triumph of Luther despite his best efforts to be his greatest failure, as the Paladins legacy has endured for thousands of years.

Mental Trauma

Omynvaarnth, as all of his kind, isegotistical and superior. So confidant in his ability to goad and manipulate mortals to their ruin, he allows them multiple paths where they can choose to ignore his council and avoid the ruin that the Nameless Black desires so greatly.

Intellectual Characteristics

Omynvaarnth is cunning, viscous, as well as narcissistic. The Nameless Black will vanish for generations while he waits for what he considers a worthy opponent to his will and intellect to appear.

Morality & Philosophy

Omynvaarnth desires to see great Mortals rise, so that he may manipulate them into their downfall. Omynvaarnth will then pick through the ruins of their legacy, be it kingdom or church, to take his trophies of victory.


Omynvaarnth insists that his games be 'fair' never using magic to dominate his prey, the Nameless Black desires the outcome to occur naturally of his opponents own foolishness.

Personality Characteristics


Omynvaarnth is drawn to power and popularity, he seeks to bring the ruin of those who he feels are rising above their station.

Vices & Personality flaws

Omynvaarnth has a weakness for gambling, he often takes to games of chance and wagers while he awaits for a worthy adversary to satisfy his needs.


Hobbies & Pets

Omynvaarnth will kidnap scribes, priests, and even bards to spread his legend and to combat the tidal wave of misinformation he often finds himself surrounded by.

Wealth & Financial state

Omynvaarnth holds a great wealth, being the last remaining Dragon lord if he is to be believed, using his wealth to influence a great number of kingdoms and merchants. This wealth, while a symbol of his status, is not as important to Omynvaarnth as his reputation nor his collection of trophies.
Chaotic Evil
Honorary & Occupational Titles
King of Ruin
550 cm
907 kg
Quotes & Catchphrases
"While the fool King's downfall was delicious to witness, i had no part in that drama. Urik was beneath me, shouting and boasting of dead orcs does not make one fit to rule. It is not my business to tend to your vermin, mine is the role of King Slayer." Omynvaarnth, to a Scribe he had kidnapped to refute a number of false accusations against The Nameless Blacks 'good name'


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