Denholm Republic Organization in Ipsum | World Anvil

Denholm Republic (Den-Hol-m)

The Denholm Republic, one half of the Belish Culture group and the sea trade driven. Are the successors of the Graylands Kingdom. The ancient Denish where notorious for their sailing, navigation, and raiding skills often raiding eachother and their neighbors. This bred a very strong warrior culture amongst their people where your standing in society was only as high as you and the warriors underneath you could fight for you. In addition to this raider society they where a highly superstitious lot who's use of witchraft was heavily ingrained into their society. With the Witches of Den at their side Denish warriors where often unstoppable on the field of battle. During the age of Ipsum and empires the Denish where always considered either unconquered or in rebellion and often most maps simply claim the land in the name of the Ipsum empire just out of sheer spite of the northmen. Sometime during the Great Shattering the Denish who formed the Denholm Republic had transformed themselves from a loosely collected meritocracy into a full matriarchy led by the Witches of Den where the warriors where little more than mindless body slaves and bodyguards to the Den mothers whims. During the Great Enlightenment the leadership of Denholm took the lessons of the shattered Delmirev dynasty and made all citizens within the Republic free but the change in culture was already permanent. Men while equal often find themselves at a disadvantage in society as most if not all lack the magic necessary to climb the social ladder. As a result, men often turn towards honing their skills in warcraft and often fill the role of protector in their relationships with the female witches.      With the warrior like culture still existing to the modern day the Den Mothers have to work very hard to keep their people's bloodlust within their own borders to prevent international incidents, especially today. Conflicts between noble witch houses, or Den Wars, as they are referred to are a careful balance between subterfuge and controlled conflict as all Den Mothers know the consequences of releasing their full might within a city. As technology and weaponry quickly grow and house conflicts grow increasingly more destructive many outsiders whisper that the Den Matron is hard at work to make the great war happen so she can turn the destructive attention of the Witch Houses outward instead of inward.


The republic on a day to day basis in the modern era, led by the oldest and most powerful Denish bloodline's Den Mother who bears the title of Den Matron. The citizens pride themselves on weaving technology with magic to create magical machines called the Witch Forged. It would appear that the Den Witches magic are the only ones capable of creating their very specific blend of magic and technology outfitting their warriors with cutting edge armaments and tools. While the Den Matron has final say in all policies there is an additional governmental body made up of the most influential Den Mothers from each region. This collection of witches is called the Coven and is where the origination of the word comes from in common.


Matriarchy with a Warrior/mage symbiosis

Public Agenda

To further strengthen Denholm via magic, technology, and political strength.


Witch forged technology and weapons. Along with Witchcraft magic.

Strength, Honor, Wisdom

Geopolitical, Country
Alternative Names
Denland, Graylands Kingdom, Northern Kingdom, The North
Ruling Organization
Leader Title
Family Leader
Controlled Territories
Notable Members
Related Species
Related Ethnicities


While the Arcturians think the status of Denholm was due to their gifts of magic to them Denholm often find this claim to be ridiculous and reductive. Despite this the two countries have enjoyed a relativley close relationship since the fall of the Ipsum empire due to how deeply ingrained magic users and their stance on magic has been in both societies.


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