The Federationists Organization in Invasive Species | World Anvil
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The Federationists

The Federationists are a broad coalition within Lavennic Parliament who advocate for strong national centralization as a means of ensuring that the foundational principles of the nation are upheld.   Federationists generally see centralization and government intervention as the best way to foster and grow the ties between the disparate peoples of the nation as well as ensuring cooperation and mutual benefit. They tend to view the communes as constituent parts of republics, unlike the Liberalist view of them as the foundational source of power for republics. Likewise, whereas Liberalists prefer to encourage inter-communal and republic development and localism, the Federationists focus on broad national projects.   During the premiership (475-482 AGL) of the First Councillor Miranti Karsto, a Federationist, the largest public works program in known history was put in motion. This began the difficult and enormous reconstruction effort to rebuild the war torn nation and to restore its poisoned ecosystems. Additionally, she established a system of universal communal healthcare for every citizen, as well as universal communal housing, quality food access, education, communal transportation, and many others. These services have become foundational elements of Lavennic society.

Strength in Diversity

Political, Faction / Party
Notable Members

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