Vuntha Drihli Character in Into the Deadlands | World Anvil
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Vuntha Drihli (Vun-tha dilly)

Vuntha Drihli (a.k.a. Black Bone)

Vuntha Drihli, first name was given for the rare black scales he possesses. Clan name given by the tribe for the necromancy he uses. He ranks as one of the smartest lizardmen in history.


Vuntha is a black-scaled lizardman. he has tattooed the middle of his chest. The tattoo representing the spirit Sable Haru. On formal occasions, he wears a white thin see-through robe, with a necklace adorned with various bones and teeth, along with a gnarled staff that has a piece of amber with a spider inside at the top. Often seen wearing his master's arcane book around with him and wielding a pike made of bone with a magic stone within a socket near the head of the pike.


Vuntha is very curious about the world and seeks to learn all he can about the world. Due to his curiosity about the world, he was exiled as a child giving rise to his fear of being alone.
  While he may at first come off as a pretty chill; he will sooner kill you, eat you and then use your skeleton in his rituals if you show you are no longer useful to him. He likes to research lost history and failed civilizations to learn of their failures and how to avoid them. Skilled in alchemy, he is skilled in his craft.
  Due to his exile, he fears being alone. Spending large amounts of time creating new festivals and parties. Also noted for his drunkenness during these parties. Much to his wife's chagrin, he mates with many women within the tribe.
  Vuntha was once he was feared and respected among his tribe. He spent much of his spare time with the members of the tribe to relieve their fears after he overthrew the last chief.


Vuntha wears and wields equipment to further is strength to the spirits. His equipment reflects this.
  • Arcane book of Spiro Gurdeep: A grimoire containing all the spells, rituals, and formulas pertaining to necromancy. Also contains the history, lore, and rites pertaining to Sable Haru .
  • Silk Robe of Spirits: A white thin see-through robe representing the spirits.
  • Bone Necklace: a necklace adorned with shark teeth and one large dragon fang.
  • Whale Bone Pike: A pike made of whalebone near the head of the pike is a magic ruby.
  • Black Star Ruby: A black ruby that allows the spirit realm to be channeled through it.
  • Staff of The Ancestors: The staff that was passed down from Spiro Gurdeep. It is a gnarled staff that has a piece of amber with a spider inside at the top. This represents the passing down of knowledge from ghosts to students throughout the ages.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Early Life
Vuntha(Black) was born into what was then called the Sharktooth tribe now know as the Bone Tribe within the Dark Swamps. Vuntha was named this cause all his scales were black. He was taught how to hunt with the rest of the young men. After asking too many questions, his curiosity as well as other things his intelligence was soon made clear. Publicly shamed and exiled from the tribe for the crime of being intelligent by the chief Doran of the Sharktooth tribe.
  Vuntha soon found himself within the Dark Swamps ; here it was just him, the wildlife and the ghosts. He struggled to survive alone within these swamps, thus he developed a fear if being alone.
  Vuntha found an old run-down shack deep in the world while he was hunting. In the shack were books, lab equipment, and other magical items. While he was looking through the shack for food and tools he found a book that was adorned with Images of nature, magic, and spirits, and in the middle was the symbol of the spirit Sable Haru. As soon as he touched the book a ghost by the name of Spiro Gurdeep, that had inhabited the Dark Swamps for many years, detected him and Vuntha's strong connection to the spirits.
  As Vuntha was scavenging for food around the shack where he had taken up residence, Spiro Gurdeep confronted him. Spiro expresses to Vuntha that he has a strong connection to the spirits and wishes to pass on his knowledge, wisdom, power, and traditions to him so he can move on to the spirit world. Vuntha had been searching for a means to take on the Doran in a one-on-one fight to the death to take control of the tribe. He found this a good opportunity to do just that, so he agreed.
  The two of them began his training in shamanism, understanding, and study of magic, alchemy as well as the teachings of the goddess Sable Haru . Over the course of several years once Vuntha becomes a man through one of Spiro's traditions, Spiro had nothing more to teach him after that and asked for Vuntha to prepare the ritual for him to move on. Vuntha accommodated his master and prepared the ritual, saying his final goodbyes to his master with what sadness the lizardman could muster.
  The Journey
Yet to be written(Roleplay gaming)
  Return To The Tribe
Now ready to take on chief Doran, Vuntha returned to the underwater caverns where the tribe was based. Upon returning he was threatened with many spears and asked to leave. He refused and asked for a one-on-one duel to the death with Doran. This only meant one thing to the lizardmen of the Sharktooth tribe he wished to become chief. The lizardmen began to laugh and asked him if this was a joke, the smart one was asking something he shouldn't have they said. He was dead serious the tone shifted to a serious one. He was then guided to the sacred battle arena where duels were held. Carrying pike in hand, magic buffing him, and dressed in his formal wear he was ready. Summoning the forces of the spirit world he fought a hard-fought battle.
  At the end of the duel Vuntha cast a spell raising Doran as a skeleton, this earned the respect and power of the tribe. He proclaimed that the smart shall no longer be punished, that the tribe will be called the Drihli(Bone)tribe, and that they now shall worship the spirits and the spirit Sable Haru.
  Vuntha claimed the shaman of the tribe as his wife and taught her of Sable Haru, becoming the shaman as well in the process. They had 16 children the smartest of which was a son named Othokentir(Smart One). He was named as the replacement of Vuntha should he no longer be able to carry on the role of chieftain.
  Many years had passed and one day his wife had a prophetic vision by Sable Haru that Vuntha must quest for her or the tribe will fall to ruin. Both agreed it was dangerous to ignore their god. Othokentir took on chieftain in the meantime. Vuntha lent all his master's treasures to his son, the only thing he took from his master was his master's arcane book. Gearing up he said goodbye to his tribe and that he will return when Sable Haru guides him back.
  Adventuring Life
Yet to be written(Roleplay gaming)
Affiliations: Sharktooth Tribe(Formerly), Bone Tribe
Age: 34
Eyes: Red Iris With White Sclera
Family: Unnamed Mother, Unnamed Father, Unnamed Wife, 15 Unnamed Children, Othokentir(Son)
Gender: Male
Hair: N/A
Height: 6' 4"
Hobby(s): Alchemy, Anthropology
Home: Bone Tribe
Nickname(s): (TBD)
Occupation: Shaman, Chieftain, Adventurer
Relationship Status: Married
Sexual Orientation: Strait
Skin Tone/Pigmentation: Black scales
Species: Lizardman
Weight: 240 lb

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Character Portrait image: by Gutemberg Camilo Gomes


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