Staalzi Species in Interstellar Wars | World Anvil
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The Staalzi, native to the planet Strecharia, are renowned throughout the galaxy for their exceptional passivity and respected nature. A mono-gender race, the Staalzi are distinctly feminine in appearance and possess maternal instincts. What distinguishes the Staalzi is their unique physiology, characterized by an incredibly long lifespan and the ability to reproduce with partners of any gender or species. This feature has fostered their conservative yet convivial attitude towards other races, leading them to prioritize compromise and cooperation over conflict.   Unfortunately, the Staalzi's peaceful nature made them vulnerable to enslavement by the dominant Hivivian Empire for centuries. Recognizing their aptitude as engineers and ship-board ambassadors, the Hivivian exploited the Staalzi's skills, diminishing their autonomy and subjecting them to servitude. This oppressive experience has had a lasting impact on the Staalzi, instilling a deep sense of shyness and caution towards interacting with other races. Around 8000 BCE, an opportunity for liberation presented itself when the Hivivian fled to a different region of the galaxy. Seizing this chance, the Staalzi successfully freed themselves from their oppressors and regained their independence. While they have since reclaimed their autonomy, the Staalzi's historical subjugation has left an indelible mark on their collective psyche, reinforcing their wariness of other races and shaping their approach to diplomacy and engagement in the galaxy.


[coming soon]


Physiology & Anatomy

Staalzi, like most other species, share some common features. They are warm-blooded and give birth to live offspring, providing nourishment through milk. With their five fingers, including an opposable thumb, giving them an advantageous hand structure that facilitated early tool-making. Staalzi, unlike other species with male and female genders, are mono-gendered with no concept of gender differences; but are often viewed as female with navels and breasts that continue to grow with age. Staazi also possess two antennas that protruding from their forehead. In terms of circulatory system, much like humans, have a closed network consisting of one heart and blood vessels. Their red blood is due to hemoglobin, which contains iron. Staalzi possess two lungs that primarily function in either a methane-nitrogen or nitrogen-oxygen based atmosphere.   Also much like humans, Staalzi have more hair than most other galactic species, they lack the excessive hair of Becceorian, Caniic, and Tigriic species. Their long hair, which is often braided in intricate styles, comes in vibrant colors such as purple, red, and yellow. The Staazi's skin complexion ranges from blue to green, with a rare tan.   Staalzi possess incredible abilities, such as the power to teleport between dimensions and transform into any living organism, android, or creature of similar stature. However, this transformation is solely for looks, as they cannot become any other form but their own. A higher level of training is required to shape-shift into forms that are vastly different from their natural form.


The genetic makeup of the Staalzi is one of their most unique features, setting them apart from other species in the galaxy. While most species have a set number of chromosomes, the Staalzi possess several pairs of chromosomes, each with its own distinct characteristics and functions. This complex genetic structure plays a crucial role in shaping the physical and physiological traits of the Staalzi.   Like most other species, the Staalzi have genetic material made up of DNA (Deoxyribonucleic acid) that contains all the biological information necessary for their development and functioning. However, while humans have 23 pairs of chromosomes, for example, Staalzi have an average of 50 pairs of chromosomes. These chromosomes are organized into sets called homologous pairs, with each individual contributing one chromosome from each pair during reproduction. The genetic material on these chromosomes is made up of genes - segments of DNA that contain instructions for various traits and functions.   The complex genetic makeup of the Staalzi gives rise to their unique physical characteristics and abilities. One such ability is cellular regeneration - the ability to rapidly heal injuries or regenerate lost limbs or organs. This trait is especially useful in combat situations and has allowed the Staalzi to survive in hostile environments where other species would not. Another remarkable ability resulting from their genetics is shape-shifting. Through extensive training and control over their genes, the Staalzi can transform into any living organism or creature of similar stature. This allows them to blend in or adapt to different environments quickly.   The Staalzi's DNA structure also contributes to their high resistance to radiation. Their cells are protected by thick layers of highly specialized proteins that surround their DNA and reduce damage caused by exposure to harmful radiation. This enables them to live in environments with high levels of radiation that would be fatal for other species.

Reproduction and life cycle

Staalzi reproduce through internal fertilization, typically via sexual intercourse, like most other species. However, their reproductive cycle is quite different from that of other species, due to their unique traits and abilities. To reproduce, a Staalzi must mate with another Staalzi or an alien species of comparable intelligence. When two Staalzi mate, they form a union known as the joining. During this process, both individuals contribute two sets of their own genes to the offspring; one set is passed on unaltered and the other is altered in a unique process known as melding. This allows for more genetic variation in the offspring than would otherwise be possible. However, mating with a non-staalzi species will always produce a staalzi offspring, though the mixed offspring with possess certain traits of the non-staalzi parent.   The gestation period for staalzi is around 45 weeks, but the length of a normal pregnancy can vary by up to 59 days. Much like other species, staalzi childbirth is considered risky and prone to complications and deaths. Staalzi are born helpless and require care and support for the first few years of their lives. Staalzi typically reach sexual maturity by the age of 18 (120 human years). Staalzi develop at a slower rate compared to most species. The Staalzi enjoy long lifespans and are not typically affected by age-related illnesses or diseases. They can live up to 1000 years old if they remain healthy and active throughout their lives.   The Staalzi life spans are divided into four distinct life stages. These stages, known as maiden, maid, mistress, and matriarch, are marked by significant biochemical and physiological changes. However, despite being biologically-based, the commencement of each stage is not determined by chronological age or physical indicators. Instead, each staalzi assesses their own level of maturity and begin each stage accordingly. While each life stage is associated with a typical behavior, staalzi are not bound by inflexible rules. It is not uncommon for them to behave atypically with regard to their level of maturity. This flexibility is not only accepted but also considered healthy and normal.   The maiden stage is the first of the four stages and is marked by a sense of innocence and curiosity. The maid stage is characterized by a growing sense of sexual/emotional maturity and motherhood. The mistress stage is marked by a sense of responsibility and leadership, while the Matriarch stage is the final stage and is associated with wisdom and guidance.


The Maiden stage is a time of great exploration and experience for young staalzi. As they reach puberty, they are filled with a drive to discover the world around them and to test their own limits. Emotionally immature and quick to action, they are often drawn to adventure and the thrill of the unknown. Many young staalzi during this stage will try their hand at working as mercenaries, eager to prove themselves and to gain experience in the world. They are fearless and bold, unafraid to take risks and to push themselves to their limits.   As the Maiden stage progresses, staalzi begin to mature emotionally and sexually. It is not uncommon for them to become sexually active around their 120th year, marking the end of this stage of their life. Throughout the Maiden stage, staalzi are driven by a sense of curiosity and a desire to seek out adventure. They are filled with energy and enthusiasm, eager to explore the world and to discover their own place within it.


The Maid stage of a Staalzi's growth is a pivotal moment in their lives. It is a time when they are ready to embrace their sexuality and settle down to start a family. Staalzi maids typically fall within the age range of 120 to 315 years old during this stage. As they enter this phase, they begin to mature emotionally and develop a deeper understanding of themselves, their people, and their family. They become more responsible and take on a more serious attitude towards life.   The first few years of this stage are spent in search of a suitable mate. This is a crucial decision that will impact the rest of their lives. They take their time to find someone who complements them and shares their values. Once they find their match, a joyous celebration of matrimony is held to unite the two Staalzi. The union of two Staalzi is a momentous occasion. It marks the beginning of a new chapter in their lives, one that involves passing on their genetic code to their offspring. The couple will spend their time nurturing their relationship and preparing for the arrival of their child or children.


The Mistress stage of a Staalzi typically begins at the age of 315. With their extensive knowledge and experience, staalzi mistresses are often described as diplomats, missionaries, and teachers. They possess a calm and controlled demeanor, their emotions and behavior well-managed.   The Mistress stage is a time of balance, where Staalzi gain wisdom and insight, and are able to use it to navigate the world around them. They are confident in their abilities and are not afraid to take risks, to venture into the unknown. Despite their adventurous spirit, many Staalzi Mistresses choose to remain as mothers, raising their children with the same care and attention they have given to their own personal growth. They are able to balance their desire for exploration with their responsibilities, creating a harmonious and fulfilling life.


The matriarch stage often begins at the age of 700 and they are the epitome of wisdom and experience. Their minds are a treasure trove of knowledge, filled with insights and perspectives that only come with centuries of existence. As the final life stage and form, staalzi matriarchs are revered among their peers. They are the leaders and mentors, the ones who guide and counsel the younger generations. Their words carry weight and authority, and their presence commands respect.   They are the keepers of knowledge passed down from generation to generation. To be in the presence of a staalzi matriarch is to be in the presence of greatness. They radiate a sense of calm and serenity, a quiet confidence that comes from knowing that they have seen it all. They are the embodiment of the staalzi's core values of wisdom, peace, and resilience.


All Staalzi are technically considered to be omnivores but prefer a herbivore-like diet. They consume mostly fruits and vegetables, with the majority of their diets made up of plant-based foods, although they have been known to eat some small amounts of meat on occasion. This is due to their small size and low caloric needs, as well as the fact that it helps them maintain a balanced diet. Dairy products are not consumed in any significant amount, as all Staalzi are lactose intolerant.   Their prefer drinks consisting of water or herbal teas. As with other aspects of their lifestyle, Staalzi do not believe in overindulgence or excess consumption when it comes to food and drink. They practice moderation and balance within their dietary habits - just enough to maintain their physical health without going overboard.

Psychology & Intelligence

The Staalzi are a highly intelligent species, with an average IQ of 120-140. Their intelligence is rivaled only by their empathy and emotional intelligence, making them a truly unique race. The Staazi are quick learners and possess an insatiable curiosity for knowledge, always seeking to understand the world around them. One of the key aspects of Staalzi psychology is their ability to adapt and evolve. They are constantly learning and growing, and this allows them to adapt to new situations and challenges with ease. This also means that they have a deep understanding of cause-and-effect relationships, making them excellent problem solvers.   Staalzi are born with a natural curiosity, which drives them to explore and learn from the moment they come of age. As they grow and mature, this curiosity becomes more refined, leading them to develop specialized interests in various fields such as literature, science, or art. They are also highly perceptive beings, able to read body language and subtle cues in communication. One of the reasons for their high level of intelligence is due to the structure of their brain. Staalzi brains have evolved over time to be extremely efficient at processing information from their surroundings. Their brains contain a higher number of neurons compared to other species, allowing them to process complex ideas and concepts quickly.   The Staazi's affinity for languages is also well-known among other intelligent species. They have a natural talent for picking up new languages and accents, often becoming fluent in multiple languages without much effort. This ability comes in handy when trading or communicating with other species. Another aspect of Staalzi psychology that sets them apart is their strong sense of empathy and emotional intelligence. They have an innate ability to understand the emotions and intentions of others, making them skilled at navigating social situations and building relationships.   Their emotional intelligence also plays a role in how they handle conflicts within their society. Instead of resorting to violence, Staalzi use their empathetic abilities to defuse tense situations and find peaceful resolutions. This, coupled with their logical thinking, allows them to act as effective mediators and diplomats in interspecies politics.


Staalzi, due to their long lifespan, tend to adopt a "long view" approach, which is not commonly found in other species. When confronted with a new species or situation, the staalzi prefer to engage in an extended period of passive observation and study rather than taking immediate action. This characteristic distinguishes them from other species that tend to rely on impulsive decision-making.   Aside from their distinct approach towards new encounters, staalzi culture bears many similarities to the ancient Greek culture of humans. Including a great emphasis on knowledge and intellectual pursuits. They value wisdom, literature, and the arts. While their motivations and goals may differ, one can draw parallels between the staalzi's thirst for understanding and the ancient Greeks' pursuit of knowledge and truth. Staalzi, believe in the power of discourse and debate. They engage in intellectual conversations and discussions, seeking to broaden their understanding. This affinity for intellectual exploration contributes to the rich cultural heritage of the staalzi.


The Staalzi language is a rich and complex one, sounding similar to human Greek and Latin languages. It is known for its subtlety and precision, making it an excellent choice for expressing complex ideas and emotions. The language reflects the Staalzi’s deep understanding of consciousness and spirituality, with many words and phrases having multiple layers of meaning.   The Staalzi place great emphasis on communication, believing that clear and effective communication is the key to healthy relationships and successful endeavors. As such, they have developed a language that is precise and expressive, with many words and phrases having specific connotations and implications. For instance, some words may be used to indicate whether something was said in jest or in earnestness. Similarly, certain expressions may denote admiration or respect, while other expressions may indicate a lack thereof.

The arts and architecture

The Staalzi have a unique approach to architecture that is deeply rooted in their ability to grow biological structures. Their technology is heavily influenced by this ability, and it is evident in the way they construct their homes. The Staalzi use a special type of plant that, through a special treatment, grows hollow. This plant is the primary building material for the more impoverished members of the community. These houses are simple yet functional, providing shelter and protection from the elements.   For those who can afford a little more quality, the Staalzi have developed a method of growing wood houses. Trees are carefully cultivated and shaped to the owner's desires, resulting in a truly bespoke home. The process of growing these houses is a delicate one, requiring patience and skill. The Staalzi take great pride in their ability to create these unique structures, and they are highly sought after by those who can afford them.   The Staalzi's approach to architecture is not only practical but also sustainable. By using natural materials and growing their homes, they are able to reduce their impact on the environment. These organic houses blend seamlessly into the surrounding landscape, creating a harmonious relationship between the built environment and nature.

Tools and technologies

Staalzi technology is very advanced and completely unique to the Staalzi race alone. Instead of relying on mechanical or electrical systems, they have developed a unique bio-organic plant-based technology. This technology is grown rather than constructed, and it is one of the defining features of the Staalzi culture. From their homes to their weapons, the Staalzi use this advanced technology to make their lives easier and more comfortable.   This technology includes many different tools and technologies, from weapons and armor to clothing and furniture. The Staalzi are able to craft intricate and complex objects using nothing more than plants, fungi, bacteria, and other natural materials. For example, they can create armor that is both flexible and strong enough to protect against impacts while being light enough for mobility. They can also create intricate clothing out of durable fabrics that are both beautiful and practical.   The Staalzi also have access to more advanced forms of technology such as their bio-organic solar reactors, also called Nucleus drives that are the very basis of their technology ranging from urban power planets to starship and fighter engines to weaponry.

Religion and spirituality

The Staalzi have a deep spiritual connection to the natural world that is reflected in their religion. They worship the goddess Trisiala, who they believe is responsible for creating the universe. The Staalzi also believe that all life is interconnected, and they strive to live in harmony with nature in order to maintain their spiritual balance.   Spiritual practices such as meditation, chanting, praying, and rituals are important parts of Staalzi culture. These practices help the Staalzi to connect with each other, nature, and their gods. As a result of these practices, the Staalzi are able to maintain a peaceful existence despite external pressures or threats from outside groups.   In addition to these spiritual practices, the Staalzi also take part in ritual festivals throughout the year that celebrate their connection with nature. These festivals involve music, dancing, and offerings of food and drink as a way of showing respect for nature’s gifts. Through these festivals, the Staalzi hope to keep their culture alive while honoring the environment around them.

Science and philosophy

The Staalzi have a deep respect for knowledge, and they use science to further their understanding of the world around them. They are particularly skilled in diplomacy, physics, mathematics, engineering, and biology. They are always looking for new ways to apply their knowledge in order to benefit their species and the environment.   In terms of philosophy, the Staalzi believe that balance is necessary for a healthy and sustainable existence. They strive to maintain balance between themselves and nature by respecting the natural world and living in harmony with it. This belief informs both their spiritual practices and their approach to scientific inquiry. The Staalzi understand that there is a delicate balance between technology and nature that must be maintained if they want to remain prosperous.   The Staalzi also have a deep respect for the past, believing that those who came before them had valuable wisdom that should not be forgotten. As a result, they often integrate ancient wisdom into modern-day solutions when developing new technologies or solving problems. This combination of old-world knowledge with modern ingenuity has allowed the Staalzi to maintain an advanced level of technology while still preserving their traditional values.


Staalzi society is structured around the principles of community, harmony, and balance. They live in cooperative communities that work together to maintain a sustainable way of life. Each community is governed by a council of elders who are respected for their wisdom and experience. Each community is responsible for providing basic necessities such as food, water, shelter, and defense. These tasks are shared by all members of the community in order to ensure that everyone’s needs are met.   The Staalzi place a strong emphasis on education and personal growth. Individuals are encouraged to pursue knowledge and develop their skills in order to become more valuable members of society. For young adults, this often involves studying a craft or trade such as animal husbandry, carpentry, or herbalism, while older adults may choose to focus on scholarly pursuits such as astronomy or philosophy. In either case, the pursuit of knowledge is highly valued in Staalzi culture.   Individualism is also a highly valued trait in Staalzi society. Each individual is encouraged to make their own choices and express themselves however they see fit as long as it doesn’t conflict with the collective needs of the community. This freedom allows them to explore new ideas while still remaining connected to their culture and values.


There is some conflicting information regarding the gender of the staalzi. Staalzi are a mono-gendered species, meaning they do not have distinct male or female genders. This is a concept that can be difficult for other races to understand since most species have two distinct genders. To the Staalzi, gender is irrelevant and has no bearing on one's abilities or societal roles.   If asked about their gender, the Staalzi will simply reply that they are not precisely women. This is because they do not identify as either male or female, but rather as individuals who exist beyond traditional gender constructs. This perspective may seem confusing to those outside of their culture, but it is an integral part of their society. Despite being mono-gendered, many staalzi individuals are referred to with feminine pronouns such as "she" and "her". This is likely due to their physical appearance and voices which are often perceived as feminine by other races. However, this does not mean that all staalzi possess identical physical characteristics – like humans, there is diversity among staalzi appearances.   Staalzi society also uses feminine titles such as "mistress" and "maiden", which may further contribute to the perception of them being an all-female race. However, these titles are used more as terms of respect rather than indicators of gender. The concept of being a maiden simply refers to being unmarried and does not carry any implications about one's capabilities or role in society and staalzi offspring are referred to as “daughters”, however the staalzi may have chosen feminine pronouns to simplify language translations for easier co-existence with other species.


Staalzi place great importance on family and kinship ties. They have a matriarchal society, with the oldest in each family serving as the head of the household. This individual is responsible for making important decisions regarding the family's well-being and passing down knowledge to the younger generations. The role of motherhood is highly revered among the Staalzi, and mothers are considered the heart of the family and community.   Families in Staalzi society can be quite large, with multiple generations living together under one roof. These extended families often share resources and work together to maintain their homes and other communal spaces. This communal lifestyle helps to strengthen bonds between family members and promotes a sense of unity within the community. Staalzi offspring are raised collectively by the family unit, rather than by individual parents. Everyone in the family has a role in raising and educating children, from grandparents to older siblings. Children are taught from a young age to value community over individual needs, as well as respect for nature and traditional ways of life.   Marriage among Staalzi is not based on gender but rather on mutual love and respect between two individuals. There is no pressure to marry or have children, as it is seen as a personal choice. If a couple does choose to marry, they often do so in a ceremony that involves both families coming together to celebrate their union.   Matriarchs hold a special place in Staalzi society. They are highly respected for their wisdom, experience, and knowledge. Matriarch serve as teachers and guides for younger generations, passing down important cultural traditions, stories, and skills. Kinship also extends beyond biological ties in Staalzi society. Strong friendships are valued just as much as blood relations, with many considering close friends to be part of their extended family. In times of conflict or need, kinship ties become even more important. Staalzi communities come together to support and protect one another, showing a strong sense of unity and solidarity.

Government and politics

The government of the Staalzi, known as the Staalzi Imperium is a constitutional monarchy, with an Empress as the head of state. The current Empress is chosen through a hereditary system, in which the eldest daughter of the previous Empress takes on the role. In the event that there are no daughters, the Empress may choose her successor from among her nieces or other female relatives.   The Empress is considered to be both a political and spiritual leader, responsible for upholding the values and traditions of the Staalzi people. She is assisted by a council of royal advisers, who act as leaders for each city-state within the Imperium. These advisers are chosen based on their knowledge, wisdom, and ability to represent the needs of their respective city-states.   Other than the Empress and royal councilors, there are no appointed leaders or politicians in Staalzi governance. Instead, all citizens have equal participation in decision-making through debate forums. These forums are open to all members of society and provide a platform for individuals to propose ideas, discuss matters of economic, social, political, or judicial importance, and vote on decisions that affect their community.   To ensure fair and efficient debates, these forums are moderated by advanced AI systems that oversee discussions and keep track of votes. This allows for democratic decision-making while also preventing any individual from dominating or manipulating debates. The Staalzi values transparency and accountability in government. All decisions made in debate forums are recorded and accessible to all citizens. Additionally, each city-state has its own court system where disputes can be settled fairly according to Staalzi laws.


Unlike many other races, the Staalzi are not a militaristic people. They do not engage in wars or conflicts with other races and have no desire for conquest. However, they do understand the need for protection and defense of their own people and resources.   The Staalzi defense force is made up of soldiers who are trained in combat techniques and tactics. These soldiers are considered to be among the strongest, bravest, and most skilled members of society. The training process itself is intense and demanding, as it requires both physical strength and mental fortitude. The defense force is led by the Empress herself, who also acts as the commander-in-chief during times of conflict. This defense force is divided into several branches, each with its own specific purpose: Rangers, Guardians, Skyriders, and Watchers.   In times of peace, the defense force serves as a police force to maintain order and protect against external threats. They also work closely with other government agencies to address any issues that may arise within Staalzi society. During times of war or conflict with other races, the Staalzi defense force becomes a militia, mobilizing its personnel to defend their territory and resources. However, due to their peaceful nature, the Staalzi prefer diplomatic solutions over violence when dealing with conflicts. Their advanced knowledge in diplomacy allows them to come to peaceful resolutions without resorting to warfare.

Fashion and dress

The Staalzi are known for their exquisite taste in clothing, with a preference for long robes that exude elegance and simplicity. Their garments are crafted from a luxuriously soft material derived from the leaves of Suarkan trees, lending a delicate touch to their attire. The Staalzi fashion sense is characterized by straight vertical lines, an even number of colors, and flowing pieces of cloth that drape gracefully from the wearer's arms.   In formal or solemn occasions, the Staalzi opt for a subdued color palette, with white, light green, and light blue being the most commonly used hues. The effect is a striking contrast against the rich, verdant landscape that surrounds them, emphasizing their refined taste and understated sophistication. The Staalzi's attention to detail is evident in every aspect of their clothing, from the intricate patterns to the way the fabric falls against their bodies. Their attire is a reflection of their culture, embodying a sense of grace and harmony that is deeply ingrained in their way of life.

Trade and economics

The economics of Staalzi society is a complex system that revolves around the trading of goods and services. Unlike many other societies, the Staalzi do not have a currency system. Instead, they rely on a bartering system where goods and services are exchanged for one another.   Trade plays a crucial role in Staalzi society, as it allows them to obtain resources and items that they cannot produce themselves. They have established trade routes with nearby societies, allowing them to exchange their own unique goods for ones they desire. These trade relationships are built upon mutual trust and respect, as the Staalzi value fairness and equality in all transactions. In addition to goods and services, the Staalzi also value intellectual contributions in trade. Their love for learning extends beyond their own society, and they actively seek out knowledge from other cultures through trade agreements. In return, they offer their own expertise in various fields such as science, medicine, and philosophy. Despite the lack of a currency system, there is still a sense of wealth within Staalzi society. This wealth is measured by an individual’s contributions to society rather than material possessions or monetary gain. Those who excel in their chosen craft or profession are highly regarded and respected within the community.


Conflict is a rare occurrence to the Staalzi. When disputes do arise, however, they are resolved through civilized discussion and mediation, as violence is abhorred in their culture. When faced with disagreements, the aggrieved parties will first attempt to resolve their differences through open communication, seeking to understand each other's perspectives. If no resolution can be reached, they will then turn to a neutral third party to mediate the dispute. This mediator will listen to both sides and then issue a verbal decree that both parties are expected to abide by. The verdict is usually reached after careful consideration of the facts and is designed to maintain harmony between the parties involved and within the greater community. In extremely rare cases, where mediation proves ineffective, the Staalzi may choose to part ways and live separately rather than disrupt the harmony of their society.

Relations with the Hivivian

[coming soon]

Relations with the Asiel

See: Asiel

[coming soon]


Princess Airinitia (ceremonial attire) by Thach
Princess Airinitia.png
Princess Airinitia (Mercenary Attire) by Thach

Biological overview

Scientific Name






Physical information

Average Height

5' 7" and 6' 10"

Average Weight

100 lb.


1,000 years

Average Physique

Slim, feminine, long hair

Sociocultural information

Homeworld(s) & Population

Strecharia (native; 379,947,032)

Home System

Phannis system


Fruugaha (non-native; 789,376, abandoned shortly before humanity arrived)

Giroian (non-native; 287,093)

Piir (Non-native; 7,982,019)

Colony Systems

Aiirk System

Quirian System


Staalzi Imperium


Staalzi Defense Force

Official Religion


Official Currency



Barter system that is dependent on the exchange of goods/services rather than currency transactions

Official Language(s)


Technological Level

Native Tier 4/adopted tier 2

Technologies (native)


Technologies (Shared)

Artificial Gravity, Energy Shielding, Habitation Domes, Inertia Damping Generator


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