Gozolara Geographic Location in Interstellar Wars | World Anvil
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Gozolara, also known as Mynok II, is a barren desert world of the Mynok System within the Sagittarius Arm of the Milky Way Galaxy. Gozolara serves as the homeworld of the Gnimgian. Describing Gozolara as inhospitable would be an understatement, owing to its peculiar characteristics that set it apart from most habitable planets.   The first noticeable feature of Gozolara is its low gravity. Compared to Earth, the gravitational force on Gozolara is significantly weaker. This attribute poses both advantages and challenges for the Gnimgian, enabling them to move with ease, but also affecting their physical development due to the lack of natural resistance. What truly sets Gozolara apart, however, is its atmosphere. Laden with a toxic blend of gases, including excessive levels of methane, helium, and carbon dioxide, the air on Gozolara is highly lethal for most known life forms. Breathing on this planet without the aid of advanced protective gear would be fatal within minutes.


Gozolara is a barren and desolate planet with a harsh and unforgiving terrain. The planet's surface is mostly covered in vast deserts, with scattered rocky plateaus and canyons. The lack of vegetation on Gozolara is due to the toxic atmosphere and extreme temperatures, making it nearly impossible for plant life to thrive.   One of the most striking features of Gozolara's geography is its complex network of canyons and gorges. These deep chasms were formed by ancient rivers that once flowed on the planet before drying up. The walls of these canyons are composed of various types of rock, including sandstone, shale, and granite.   The highest point on Gozolara is Mount Halkar, standing at 4,632 meters above sea level. This mountain is located in the northern hemisphere of the planet and stands as a solitary peak surrounded by sandy plains. In addition to its deserts and canyons, Gozolara also has several salt flats spread across its surface. These vast expanses of white salt crystals formed from ancient lakes that have long since evaporated. They serve as evidence that water once existed on this inhospitable world.   The planet's low gravity also plays a significant role in shaping its geography. Due to the weaker gravitational force, Gozolara experiences fewer tectonic activities compared to other planets with higher gravity. As a result, there are no active volcanoes or seismic activity on this world. Despite its harsh conditions, some areas on Gozolara support limited forms of life. In the southern hemisphere lies a region known as the "Green Belt," where small pockets of vegetation can be found growing around oases or near underground water sources.


The climate on Gozolara is harsh and unforgiving. The planet's close proximity to its sun, Mynok, results in extreme temperature fluctuations. During the day, the surface of Gozolara can reach scorching temperatures of up to 58.9 °C (138 °F). At night, the temperature drops dramatically to as low as -52 °C (-60 °F). This drastic difference in temperature creates a challenging environment for any life-forms that exist on this planet.   The atmosphere of Gozolara is also a major factor in its climate. With high levels of carbon dioxide and methane gas (CH4), the air is thick and toxic. The greenhouse effect caused by these gases traps heat, contributing to the extreme temperatures on the planet's surface.   The combination of high temperatures and toxic air makes it almost impossible for humans or other oxygen-breathing species to survive on Gozolara without specialized protective gear. Even with advanced technology, prolonged exposure to the planet's atmosphere would be fatal.   In addition to its extreme temperatures and toxic air, Gozolara also experiences frequent sandstorms due to strong winds blowing across its deserts. These storms can last for days, making travel or exploration on the planet very dangerous. Despite its harsh conditions, there are some regions on Gozolara that are more hospitable than others. In the southern hemisphere lies a narrow strip known as the "Green Belt." This region receives slightly more moderate temperatures and has pockets of vegetation growing around oases or near underground water sources. However, even in these areas, life is still tough and limited.   Another notable aspect of Gozolara's climate is its long day-night cycle. Due to its slow rotation on its axis, one day on Gozolara lasts 128 Earth hours (5 Earth days). This extended period of daylight can have a significant impact on plant growth and animal behavior on the planet. As for seasonal changes, Gozolara has very little variation in temperature throughout the year due to its constant exposure to Mynok's heat. However, there are slight shifts in wind patterns that can lead to more frequent or less frequent sandstorms during certain periods.

Biodiversity and conservation

Despite the harsh conditions on Gozolara, there is still a surprising amount of biodiversity present on the planet. The few species that have managed to adapt and survive here have evolved unique traits and characteristics that allow them to thrive in this unforgiving environment.   One of the most well-known species on Gozolara is the Razorwing lizard. These creatures have developed wing-like fins on their forearms, allowing them to glide through the air and escape predators or chase after prey. They are also highly territorial and will fiercely defend their nests from any intruders. Due to their ability to glide, they are often seen as a symbol of freedom and hope for those living on the planet. Another notable species is the Sand Worm. Growing up to 30 meters long, these giant burrowing creatures live in the deeper parts of the sand dunes. They have a tough exoskeleton that allows them to withstand the extreme temperatures and toxic atmosphere of Gozolara. Inside their bodies, they produce valuable pearls that are highly sought after by the Gnimgian.   Unfortunately, over-harvesting by these traders has led to a decline in Sand Worm populations, putting them at risk of extinction. In addition to these creatures, there are also various types of plant life on Gozolara. The majority of vegetation can be found near oases or underground water sources, where they can access necessary nutrients and moisture for survival. These plants have also adapted to handle extreme temperature fluctuations and high levels of carbon dioxide and methane gas in the air.

Known residents

The primary inhabitants of Gozolara are the Gnimgian, an insectoid species that evolved to thrive in this harsh environment. They are characterized by their strong exoskeletons, multiple limbs, and large compound eyes. The Gnimgian have a highly advanced hive-like society, with a strict hierarchy and division of labor among its members.   The Gnimgian have developed specialized technologies that help them survive on Gozolara. One such technology is their advanced water filtration system. Due to the scarcity of water on the planet, the Gnimgian have developed a way to extract moisture from the air and purify it for consumption. This allows them to live in underground colonies where they can control the temperature and humidity levels. Despite their advancements, the Gnimgian still face many challenges living on Gozolara. The constant threat of sandstorms and extreme temperatures makes it difficult for them to venture outside of their underground colonies, and the other is overpopulation with the Gnimgian population numbering over 9 trillion individuals, making resources even scarcer.

Culture and society

Gnimgian society is highly complex and structured. They have a eusocial system, meaning that they live in colonies with a strict hierarchy and division of labor among its members. The colony is built around a single reproductive queen, several reproductive males, and many workers and soldiers.   The queen is responsible for laying eggs and maintaining the population of the colony. She is greatly respected by the rest of the Gnimgian, as she is seen as the mother of their entire species.   Reproductive males are chosen through genetic testing to ensure diversity in the population. They are responsible for fertilizing the queen's eggs, and caring for the young, and are often kept apart from the rest of the colony. Workers make up the majority of the Gnimgian population. They are responsible for building and maintaining the underground colonies, gathering food and resources. Soldiers are a smaller percentage of the population but play a crucial role in protecting queen and the colony from external threats. They have specialized physical adaptations such as stronger exoskeletons.


The economy of Gozolara is not controlled by the Gnimgian themselves, but rather by the Hivivian Empire, a coalition of multiple alien species. The Empire has complete control over the planet and its resources, including the Gnimgian population. The Empire sees Gozolara as a valuable source of raw materials and energy, due to its abundance of natural resources such as minerals and gases.   As a result, the Gnimgian are forced to work for the Empire, providing labor and resources in exchange for protection and some basic necessities. The Empire also controls all trade on and off the planet, with strict regulations on what can be taken out of Gozolara. This has caused great tension between the Gnimgian and other species within the Empire, as they feel exploited and oppressed. Despite their subjugation, some Gnimgian have managed to carve out small businesses within their underground colonies. These businesses mainly revolve around providing goods and services to other members of their colony. For example, one Gnimgian may sell handmade jewelry made from rare minerals found on Gozolara while another may offer specialized water filtration services. However, these small-scale businesses are heavily regulated by the Empire and do not generate much profit for the Gnimgian. Most of their earnings are used to pay taxes to the Empire or traded for essential resources such as food and medicine.   Some rebellious members of the Gnimgian population have attempted to resist the control of the Empire by forming underground resistance groups. These groups engage in illegal activities such as smuggling resources off-planet or sabotaging Empire operations on Gozolara. However, they face constant danger as any disobedience towards the Empire is met with swift punishment.


The Gnimgian do not have a formal government structure. They operate under the control of the Hivivian Empire, an technocratic regime that rules over all its territories with absolute authority. The Empire sees itself as the ultimate authority in the galaxy and imposes its laws and beliefs onto all species under its control.   The Queen is the only true leader of the Gnimgian and is responsible for maintaining order within the Gnimgian population. However, her power is limited by the Empire's strict regulations and she must always defer to their decisions. She acts as a mediator between the Empire and Gnimgian, relaying important information and requests from one to the other. The Queen also oversees the management of resources and allocation of tasks within the colony. Despite being ruled by an external force, there are some political divisions among the Gnimgian population. Some believe that they should actively resist against the Empire's control, while others prefer to maintain stability and avoid any conflicts with their oppressors.   There have been a few attempts at forming a Gnimgian-led government, but these efforts were quickly shut down by the Empire. Any form of organized rebellion or defiance is met with severe consequences.


Being a conquered species, the Gnimgian do not have an official military force. They primarily rely on the military power of their Hivivian overlords to protect them and enforce the Empire's laws within their territory.   The main defense force of the Gnimgian is made up of their protectors. These protectors are highly trained in combat and serve as bodyguards for the Queen and other important members of the colony. They also act as scouts, hunting parties, and enforcers within both the colony and Hivivian military.   In times of war or when faced with outside threats, the Gnimgian may also seek assistance from their Hivivian allies. The Shilizal, a fierce and powerful warrior species, are often called upon to aid in battles or provide training for Gnimgian protectors. In return, the Shilizal can count on the loyalty and support of the Gnimgian in their own conflicts. However, despite having access to these external military powers, there have been instances where rebellious factions within the Gnimgian population have taken up arms against the Empire. These resistance groups may use homemade weapons or stolen technology to fight back against their oppressors. Though, they are no match for the advanced weaponry and combat skills of the Empire's forces and these rebellions are often quickly suppressed.

Astrographical Information

Galactic Arm



Mynok System



Orbital Position

Second Planet



Physical Information


7,836 km (4,869 mi)


1.950 m/s²

Length of Day

128 hrs

Length of Year

73,000 days


8.9 (CO2, CH4, He)

Surface temperature

-52 °C to 58.9 °C (-61.6 °F to 138.02 °F)



Gnimgian (Homeworld)


Approx. 9.6 Trillion



Hivivian Empire

Gnimgian Government


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