Inside the bag From Feast to Famine/The Bileswamp

From Feast to Famine/The Bileswamp


The party reenters Feast, is robbed by Echo Stone, and travels with Rin Alderfire to the Bileswamp. Lessaris makes a deal with a Bilehags named Frem.

The party reenters Feast but has one of the fundamentum stolen by the leader of a local gang called the Vultures. They find out the name of the leader is Echo Stone and hunt him down to a safehouse nearby, where he tries to extort 500 gold out of them for it. Dynamo throws an inkwell into Echo's eyes causing him to flee. The party returns to the gate of Famine and presents their treasure for entry. Once inside they become provisional citizens, and are guided to The Mended Staff to speak to Sibble Highstaff. Sibble enchants them so they can pass the barrier. He also explains a few opportunities in town. The party decides to help a local scholar, who turns out to be Rin Alderfire. Rin asks them to help her get a tooth from a giant mouth in the Bileswamp. They travel with Rin via a modified Bagman's hand enchanted to open slipholes. They arrive at the Bileswamp and meet with a Bilehags named Frem. Frem points them toward the mouth asking for a tooth of her own in return. After battling with the mouth and obtaining two teeth, thewy return to Frem. Frem offers the party a number of deals. Lessaris takes a deal to form a warlocks contract with Frem, granting them new power, but binding them to Frem in as of yet unknown ways. The party camps out for the rest of the day in a Tiny Hut, and returns to Famine once the Bagman's Claw recharges. Rin begins working on using the tooth to augment the claw, asking the party to come back in a few days. The party decides to take the time to visit the Daylight Library in town. They spend the night in Rin's workshop.

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